:: Sunday, January 25, 2004 ::
Personal Responsibility
1. Despite repeated statements to the contrary no WMD have been found in Iraq
2. Dick Cheney continues to insist that a tie between Saddam and Osama exists and that Saddam had WMD
3. A computer was seized from Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist as part of an ongoing investigation in the cyber theft by republicans of sensitive democrat memos
4. Rush Limbaugh is alleged to be guilty of at least 10 felonies related to his drug use
5. Bill Bennett admits to losing up to $8 million by gambling
6. Sean Hannity says that he did not serve in the military because he was not "called to serve". Hannity is in his early forties and only had to go to the nearest recruiting station to join up when he was young.
7. Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay says that he was unable to serve in the military during the Vietnam Era because so many minorities were voluteering and were taking up all the available slots
These are just seven examples of the the hypocrisy and immorality of the group that would have the rest of us believe that they are the "chosen ones". How come white conservatives have one standard for democrats, liberals and blacks and a different standard for other white conservatives. They know full well that if a democrat, a liberal, or a prominent black were engaged in any of the circumstances described above the conservative right would scream endlessly. However, when another white male republican conservative is engaged in dubious behavior the issue is totally ignored. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
:: DM1 1/25/2004 12:08:00 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, January 16, 2004 ::
The Coward
I understand that Bush appointed Charles Pickering to the Appeals Court as a recess appointment. Never mind that he intervened on behalf of a white man who was guilty of burning a cross on a black couple's lawn. What a coward this fraud of a president is. And conservatives wonder why black folks were picketing Bush at Martin Luther King's grave. Bush stands for the opposite of everything King stood for. What an utter coward and a disgrace. Say what you will about blacks, but some white folks are living in a white world and damn everybody else!
:: DM1 1/16/2004 10:29:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 ::
Why White Conservatives Love George W. Bush
It was just yesterday that a group on whiny, self-righteous hypocrites were telling us about the failings on Bill Clinton. They were especially upset about his "lies". It's been documented on numerous occassions that Bush "lied". Examples are the Iraq/Niger/Uranium fiasco; Saddam had ties to Osama; he would change the tone of the political discourse; etc. However, those same whiny, self-righteous hypocrites are silent in their condemnation of Bush. Why? How about Bush makes white conservative feel like they did in the good old days when white reigned supreme. Why can't a democrat running for president win in the South? A democrat does not appeal to the white conservative, confederate flag-waving bigot who never did like the changes that took place in the 1960s and 1970s.
:: DM1 1/13/2004 08:17:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, January 12, 2004 ::
Paul O'Neill
Paul O'Neill is a "Judas", a "Brutus" and a "disgruntled former employee" Notice I didn't say that he was a liar. Notice that the Bush Administration hasn't called him a liar, either.
:: DM1 1/12/2004 10:10:00 PM [+] ::