:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Sunday, September 19, 2004 ::

The Liar

It's been a while since I posted anything. I've been busy. Anyway, George Bush now says that he complied with all orders and that is why he received an honorable discharge. The record shows that he did not take a required physical and was suspended from flying. What a liar. If some of you sheep are still willing to vote for him by all means be stupid!
Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 9/19/2004 01:13:00 AM [+] ::

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