:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

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:: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 ::

Memo to Representative Ganske

I find it disgraceful that you could suggest that in some way Senator Harkin does not share your degree of patriotism. I researched your biography and his. Guess what Senator Harkin served several years in the Navy as a jet pilot. I am also a republican and find your questioning of his patriotism to be very sad and believe me it reflects poorly on you. I am just glad that you don't represent my state. I may even send Senator Harkin a donation to let him know that not all republicans are as ridiculous as you. By the way, according to your biography, you are a gifted surgeon and are a LTC in the Army Reserve, you do not do the uniform any good when you unfairly attack a veteran. If you want to question his opposition to the flag burning amendment fine, but to question his patriotism well let's hope that this is not indicative of your campaign strategy. I hope that you are a bigger man than that. Just to let you know, I served four years in the Army and I respect Senator Harkin as a veteran even if I may not agree with some of his positions.

:: DM1 7/16/2002 10:41:00 PM [+] ::
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