:: Saturday, July 20, 2002 ::
Memo to the Washington Times on Dick Armey saying no to national ID cards:
For once Dick Armey has it right, but I notice the editorial writer did not mention the group responsible for eroding our liberties. No, it's not Bill Clinton. It's the crowd that currently occupies the White House, and the Times silence is as they say "deafening". Credibility is not always gained by criticizing your enemies it is gained by looking honestly at your friends. The Times has been a friend to George Bush, but not much of a friend. Can the country be run anymore incompetently than it already is? It says a lot that most observers agree that Al Gore was smarter than George Bush, but your crowd supported Bush anyway. Whatever happened to the "best qualified"? Oh yeah I forgot, that only applies to black folk trying to get into college or trying to get a job. You get what you paid for and I hope you have gotten your money's worth from this whollly unqualified "appointed" president. Knowing the character of the crowd that runs the editorial page, I assume that you will continue to prop up this failed presidency and continue to blame Bush's incompetence on Bill Clinton. So much for personal responsibility. I would leave my name and phone number, but I know that ol' Wes and Tony wouldn't have the guts to print this comment!
:: DM1 7/20/2002 08:53:00 AM [+] ::