:: Sunday, August 11, 2002 ::
MEMO to Congressman Bill Thomas (Cal-R):
I must commend you for getting that twerp, Brian Robin fired. Imagine him questioning "YOU". I guess he thought that this was a true democracy and that he could voice his opinion. Yeah, yeah, I know. He sent the email through the Times's internal email system. We all know that a person who uses the company's email for personal use should be fired. I am sure no other employee has ever sent a personal email through the system. Yeah, Bill you really showed him! By the way I am sending this email through a private line, so I don't end up like Brian Robin. What is really pathetic is that I too am a republican, and I spend a great deal of time separating true republican ideology from that of folks like you. I served four years in the Army and was honorably discharged. I did not commit myself for those four year so people like you could have someone fired for expressing their opinion. If anything you confirmed his views. I am a very glad that you do not represent my district or my state!
Da' Militant One
:: DM1 8/11/2002 05:11:00 PM [+] ::