:: Sunday, August 11, 2002 ::
Old Memo to Editor - Washington Times Editorial Page:
Subject: Emmett Tyrell's rant on Bill Clinton
(You can pick any of his columns)
Talk about nerve! R Emmett Tyrrell has done it again. For a man who knows that he did every thing he could to derail Bill Clinton, Mr. Tyrrell should just sink back into the ooze. "Had he told the truth" he still would have been hounded by the like of R.E.T. At no time did he or anyone in his cabal support President Clinton. At no time did he or his kind rally behind their president. No they just waged a "jihad" for eight years and detracted their readers from what was really important. Imagine if the republican Congress at the time had spent as much time or terrorism as they did on Clinton's sex life. Imagine is they had heeded Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen's Op-ed piece on terrorism and the imminent threat. Imagine if folks like Tyrrell had supported Bill Clinton one-tenth as much as democrats are supporting Bush. Granted we are having a crisis, but we had some crises during the Clinton Administration. Yet, the pages of the Washington Times continued to attack the former president with a zeal that bordered on pathological. Bill Clinton lied about oral sex plain and simple. That fact has caused his problems. He was not cited legally for "Whitewater, Travelgate, and the rest. Now Bill Clinton probably lied to protect his own hide, but he also did not want to give his enemies the satisfaction. In the end, he should have told the truth about the Lewinsky matter regardless of the embarassment.
That Tyrrell and his ilk continue to bash Clinton almost a year after he left office shows me the hatred and bitterness that they have always harbored. Sure Clinton had crooked friends and a lot of them, but as I recall Clinton left office millions of dollars in debt. Yeah, what a smart crook! I have some crooked friends and while I keep my distance I have had an association with them. If I was president, the media would be sure to note the connection whether I had had contact with them yesterday or several years ago. No if Mr. Tyrrell and his kind don't like Clinton for his association with criminals then show some consistency. Both Bush and Cheney have been arrested several times in their lives for various offenses. As a mattern of fact, I believe that their "rap sheets" are longer than either Clinton's or Gore's. I know this because if it was not so the Washington Times would have reported that fact! Should Cheney and Bush be shunned and ridiculed? I don't think so and neither does Tyrrell. If he persists in deriding Bill Clinton then be consistent all the way around. That last request is much to difficult for you because that requires integrity. Why don't you "tell the truth" about the "Arkansas Project". Be an example to Bill Clinton. Show him the way. Let him see a "real" man come clean. This is a tall order and one that I am sure you are not up to!
By the way, I am a republican and I support my president. I think that Bush has grown into the job and is finding his way. I still believe his domestic policy and his unilateralist to foreigh policy is and was wrong, but as an American, I support action against terrorists and those countries that harbor and support them. I believe that one can disagree with either Clinton or Bush without being vicious and nasty, but that's just me. I could be wrong!
:: DM1 8/11/2002 05:18:00 PM [+] ::