:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

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:: Monday, September 02, 2002 ::

Another email exchange between me and the idiot from the Council of Coservative Citizens. I was showing someone his earlier emails and he emailed right in the middle of it:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: Alabama Civil Rights Monument

You obviously have no respect for the law, but instead view the impulse of the mob as a virtue. Mob ignorance is your strongest ally. First, Salmon P. Chase was appointed to the Supreme Court by Abraham Lincoln, who usurped the Constitution to make war on the South. Chase was an abolitionist and a hater of the South who wanted to pursue every avenue of prosecution against the leaders of the Confederacy. Nevertheless, Chase found no law that allowed prosecution of the defeated Confederates. Despite a lack of jurisdiction, Jefferson Davis was imprisoned without writ of habeas
corpus for two years. During this time, federal officials sought some legal trick to try Davis for treason. The only recourse for the Federals would have been the creation of an ex post facto law to try Davis. This, also, is unconstitutional. After two years of unjust imprisonment, Davis was released. So any attempt to punish the Confederates would have amounted to a lawless mob lynching. As for King, he got away with his crimes because he had a mob-and the liberal press-as allies. King was sexual profligate and a communist stooge posing as a Christian minister. This makes him not only a wretch, but a total hypocrite. It was King who practiced "civil disobedience," which is by definition lawlessness. But you are right about one thing. We do drink the dregs of history
because we live under the dismal shadow of African incompetence, barbarism, criminality, and lassitude that has wrecked our civilization. No white civilization was ever improved by black supremacy, as Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Detroit clearly demonstrate.


I was just showing someone your ignorant response. Then you go and out do

:: DM1 9/02/2002 07:09:00 AM [+] ::
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