:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Monday, September 02, 2002 ::

First in a series of emails between Da' Militant One and an idiot with the Council of Conservative Citizens on the traitors: Robert (The Butcher) Lee, Jefferson (Where's my N-gger!) Davis, and the rest of the confederate scum that planted 600,000 U.S. Soldiers:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Alabama Civil Rights Monument

"Militant One"

We don't usually abide ignorance, but we will be a little patient in your case. You imply that the Confederacy was an "outlaw" nation. If that is the case, why weren't all the Confederate leaders, from Davis on down, arrested and charged with treason? The reason is that the secession of the Confederate states was entirely legal and Constitutional, as ruled by US Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase in July, 1865. Furthermore, the yankees-Union-Federals, what ever you choose to call
them, pursued an illegal and unconstitutional war against the South. Lincoln threatened to disband the Supreme Court when the justices refused to sanction his ILLEGAL action of raising troops to invade the South. Furthermore, by using Federal soldiers against legally constituted states in secession, Lincoln violated the Posse Comitatus by using the army against civilians. But no doubt in your feeble little mind, might always makes right. So again, when King and his gang set out from Selma on their march, they were warned that they were violating the law. So the US government stepped in and aided King in his lawlessness, once again trampling on the laws of a sovereign
Southern State.


Talk about a fraudulent explanation. They should have been hanged! However, Lincoln thought that he was doing what was right by not ordering the traitors to be put to death. The lack of logic and thought of you rebuttle makes it abundantly clear why there will never be any peace in this
country. You can't stand the fact that for all of your lies, revisions, and half-truths, you still can't change history! Salomon Chase! Please! Some other Supreme court knucklehead said that blacks had no rights that a white man had to respect. Please find someone with a brain to respond to me next time because it's charlatans like you that make my job easy! King and his gang? The real truth is the white southern neo-confederate racists such as you have never had anything, but hate and anger for black folk, but that's okay because you will reap what you sow tenfold. So crawl
back in your hole and drink your "bitter dregs!"

:: DM1 9/02/2002 06:58:00 AM [+] ::
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