:: Monday, September 02, 2002 ::
Old Rant to Fox News on Tony Snow, Bill O'Reilly, Brit Hume, et al. (Nov 2001):
I know you boys think you have gems in the good ol' boys mentioned above. To label them pompous, arrogant jerks, does a disservice to pompous, arrogant jerks. It seems like the motto of your station is to hate all things liberal and democratic. I dare say that their views and opinions are not new or surprising. I just finished watching a rerun of "All in the Family" and the arguments that were debated on the show 30 years ago are still being debated. The funny thing about tv show scripts is that you can write and arrange the scripts so that your point of view always prevails. Unlike "All in the Family" the scripts that the gentlemen above use are old, tired, and dated. What's really funny is that before any of them open their mouths I always know what they are going to say. They have a problem with liberals, feminists, gays, unions, and last but not least the Clintons. The crowning moment was watching Bill O'Reilly try and preach to Geraldo Rivera about his past. Dollar Bill (The Multimillion Common Guy) couldn't hold Geraldo's jock----- (you know the rest). Geraldo doesn't need Dollar Bill or any of the others mentioned above to smooth his way. If the Fox News audience doesn't like Geraldo, I don't think Geraldo needs any help in responding to his detractors. A "no spin zone?", if O'Reilly could keep his mouth shut long enough to allow his guests to respond then I guess the description is apt. That he never gives those who disagree with him a chance to talk speaks volumes about his own inadequacies. The rest of the lot is cut from the same cloth and I suspect that Fox News will be around a long time just like "All in the Family". Unlike "All in the Family" there is nothing original about the good ol' boys. Just a bunch of rich angry white guys pointing a finger at every thing and every body who have the nerve to disagree.
:: DM1 9/02/2002 06:44:00 AM [+] ::