:: Monday, September 02, 2002 ::
This is the Email that started the previous rant. The writer had argued against a Civil Rights Monument in Alabama:
To Whomever,
I wanted to give you my view of article on the CCC "Thwarting an Alabama Capitol Landscape Scheme". The writer states the following:
"Ironically, any civil rights monument erected at the capital would be an homage to lawlessness and civil disobedience; a fact which eludes commissioners who condemn Meadows actions as "disruptive."
Using the writer's logic, I assume that the writer finds the thousands of monuments constructed to honor the confederacy which was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of United States soldiers during the Civil War equally "lawless". I doubt it because when one is truly morally bankrupt the first thing to go is integrity. I also assume that the writer would insist that the confederates (also known as "Davis, Lee, Jackson, et al.) were "freedom fighters" opposing oppression. If you insist on beating up the civil rights monument, at least, have the integrity to be consistent in your logic and thought.
:: DM1 9/02/2002 07:02:00 AM [+] ::