:: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 ::
Memo to Senator Don (Loudmouth) Nickles - Rep and his performance on Fox News Sunday:
It's very disheartening to see such a partisan blowhead like Don Nickles given free time to spout such drivel. A victory in Afganistan is not certain at this point. Let's see what happens in the next two to three years. Right now I see him trying to shift the conversation from Bush's incompetence on the economy to what the democrats are or are not doing. He just mentioned Bill Clinton again! What a disgrace as a so-called "leader". He's just a windbag full of hot air. Why not put someone of true intellect and vision on like Chuck Hagel. Fox News Sunday is nothing but a mouthpiece for the republican party, the right-wing conserative blame everything on Clinton gang! I used to respect Britt Hume until he started opening his mouth and closed his mind. Hey why be objective when your side is in control. Just disgraceful!
:: DM1 10/16/2002 07:37:00 PM [+] ::
Ten Questions for the Chichkenhawks:
If Saddam is such an immediate threat answer the following questions:
1. Why did Bush take a 30-day vacation in August?
2. Why is not the threat assessment at RED, the highest alert?
3. Why now a month before the mid-term elections and not earlier in the year?
4. How many casualities are acceptable?
5. What are the costs?
6. What is the time frame?
7. How long the occupation?
8. What if Iraq attacks Israel and Israel strikes back with nuclear weapons?
9. What happens if Syria helps Iraq?
10. What happens if the democrats take Congress?
:: DM1 10/16/2002 07:35:00 PM [+] ::
Memo to Dick Gephardt:
Dear Congressman Gephardt,
I am very disappointed in your actions the other day in giving the appointed president another photo-op. I am a republican and I am amazed that you still don't get it. The current administration cares nothing about you or your position. It only cares that you have "cut" Senator Daschle off at the knees and will now use you to further republican goals. I do not like the direction that this country is taking. I, too, served my country in the Army for four years and as veterans both you and I have a duty to protect this country from foreign enemies and domestic incompetence. You have failed many in your party and many others who are looking for men of courage to stand up against an administration that is bent on war at any cost. I understand that you have visions of running for president in 2004. Well, to win you need to show true leadership. The only thing I saw the other day was a man who stepped on his principles and betrayed many in his party. I see that it is up to those of us who truly understand what Bush and Cheney to carry the burden to ensure that their misguided politics do not continue past 2004. You have made that effort more difficult with your recent actions. I voted for Al Gore in 2000 and I will vote for him in 2004. He is showing courage, vision, and leadership and I only hope that some of his qualities begin to rub off on you.
:: DM1 10/16/2002 07:34:00 PM [+] ::
Memo to Charlie, GOP operative and his B.S. on Crossfire
I read the CNN Crossfire transcript for August 8th. Paul Begala spoke about two subsidiaries of Haliburton that were doing business with Iraq while Dick Cheney was CEO. You replied as if you knew nothing about this fact. Now I know that you are not a stupid man so I have a suggestion. Why don't you do your homework and then go talk to Cheney and ask him to explain himself. I doubt that you will take me up on my offer because I don't think you want to know the truth. Folks like you love talking about a lack of character when it comes to Bill Clinton. For all of the accusations made about him, even he didn't do business with Iraq. Being a shrill for a morally bankrupt individual is a disgrace and you ought to be ashamed!. Oh yeah I forgot I'm talking about Dick Cheney not Bill Clinton. Character doesn't matter! Lest you think that I am totally bias, I think you would do better supporting true men of character like Chuck Hagel, Dick Lugar, and John McCain. Think about it.
A True Republican,
Da' Militant One
:: DM1 10/16/2002 07:33:00 PM [+] ::