:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

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:: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 ::

Memo to Charlie, GOP operative and his B.S. on Crossfire


I read the CNN Crossfire transcript for August 8th. Paul Begala spoke about two subsidiaries of Haliburton that were doing business with Iraq while Dick Cheney was CEO. You replied as if you knew nothing about this fact. Now I know that you are not a stupid man so I have a suggestion. Why don't you do your homework and then go talk to Cheney and ask him to explain himself. I doubt that you will take me up on my offer because I don't think you want to know the truth. Folks like you love talking about a lack of character when it comes to Bill Clinton. For all of the accusations made about him, even he didn't do business with Iraq. Being a shrill for a morally bankrupt individual is a disgrace and you ought to be ashamed!. Oh yeah I forgot I'm talking about Dick Cheney not Bill Clinton. Character doesn't matter! Lest you think that I am totally bias, I think you would do better supporting true men of character like Chuck Hagel, Dick Lugar, and John McCain. Think about it.

A True Republican,

Da' Militant One

:: DM1 10/16/2002 07:33:00 PM [+] ::
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