:: Sunday, June 22, 2003 ::
Memo to Richard (Dick) Cheney:
Sometimes a name says it all, doesn't it! Well Dick, I understand that you were strolling over to the CIA while it was compiling intelligence on Iraq and the "WMD". I know that one needs to first kiss your "ring" before they ask a favor. Could you be so kind as to tell the American People what you were doing at the CIA and what if anything you told them. I know, I know, national security. Well you know, Dick, the intelligence appears either faulty, or just plain wrong. Now you might find some "WMD" because Lord knows that we have been there on our own for three months. Just load up a few tractor-trailers and yell "Ah, Ha!" What a pity that you have to be constrained by the Constitution. But wait, this too shall pass. Everybody is marveling at the Hulk, but Dick, it's you who are truly Incredible!
:: DM1 6/22/2003 09:19:00 AM [+] ::