:: Thursday, June 12, 2003 ::
Memo to Sean "The Weasel" Hannity and Rush "Fats" Limbaugh:
The water is getting heavier and heavier to carry by the day isn't it. Since you can't defend Bush honestlt, you have resorted to rehashing the tales of Bill Clinton. What losers! Sean, I heard you on the radio one day and a caller asked you why you hadn't served in the military. Now you and I are the same age 41 and I served in the Army from 1981 to 1985. I volunteered, was honorably discharged and was an expert with the M-16 and grenade. Your response to the caller was that you were not called to serve. The caller challenged you saying that all you had to do was to walk into the nearest recruiting station and raise your right hand. You sputtered and stammered. You were caught in a lie. You knew that that "not called to serve" garbage was a lie. Now you are a super patriot! Can you say "Fraud".
Fats, you are next. What did you do during Vietnam? Why didn't you serve? Boil on the butt? Of course a super patriot like you would have volunteered, if only you didn't have that silly boil. Remember Senator Max Cleland from Georgia? You and "The Weasel" helped to get him defeated by another not military serving super patriot. Understand what is happening now was destined to happen. The true cowards of Vietnam are sowing what they have reaped. No true warrior prays and clamors for war. Should Saddam have been forcibily removed? There were many good arguments for that eventuality, but instead of working with the U.N. and our allies, the two of you helped Bush erase all of the world's goodwill that was gained after 9/11. Enjoy your victory, though hollow and short-lived it will be!
:: DM1 6/12/2003 07:32:00 PM [+] ::