:: Friday, June 27, 2003 ::
Memo to Tom Daschle:
You are such a wimp and disgrace to the Democratic Party. Bush is giving you the "Deliverence" treatment and all you are doing is squealing like a pig. Where is Burt Reynolds when you need him? You have shown zero courage and have abdicated your authority to the only true warrior in the Democratic Senate: Robert "Don't call me a Klansman" Bird. Being a black man, I have to give Ol' Robert "The Hood" his props. He has the kind of guts not seen since the days of the Big Dog! Oh, sorry, Bill Clinton. (Memo to Sheep don't get excited. The memo about Clinton being rightfuly impeached was a canard. I think being impeached for lying about sex under oath is as ridiculous as not being impeached for lying about a war and getting hundreds of Americans killed and wounded!) Anyway back to Thomas " the Meek". You are a veteran, Bush smeared Max Cleland, Tom Delay is running amok. When are you going to start fighting back? The battle has already been joined and you are pulling a "Bush in the National Guard during the Vietnam War" stunt. Instead of leaving "them" on a hook at the door, take your "pair" and strap them on! Be a man or at least an angry woman. It's really too bad. You had potential!
:: DM1 6/27/2003 09:11:00 AM [+] ::