:: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 ::
Memo to Republicans:
Don't get mad at the Democrats. Bush gave them the knife. You look as pathetic as you say the Democrats did defending Clinton. Is this the type of president you voted for? And the notion that we are safer because there have been no more attacks since 9/11, understand Osama already did his thing. After 9/11 what more does Osama have to do for the next couple of years. The World Trade Center is gone. You say that 9/11 is responsible for most of our economic woes. Maybe if Bush had done more during the first eight months of 2001, 9/11 would have been prevented. It's easy to blame Clinton, but Bush had been President for more than six months. You say that Clinton did nothing to protect the country. So why didn't Bush make terrorism his number one priority after he was sworn in? Personal responsibility not only applies to Clinton, liberals, blacks, and democrats, it also applies to Republican Presidents and white Republican conservatives.
:: DM1 7/15/2003 06:48:00 PM [+] ::