:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

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:: Thursday, July 03, 2003 ::

Memo to Saxby (My Knee Hurts!) Chambliss the fake Senator for South Carolina:

This is a portion on an article in the Washington Post today about Max Cleland the former Democratic Senator from South Carolina:

"The state of American politics is sickening," he says.

Cleland has come full circle. In 1963, he arrived at American University's Washington Semester Program as a naive student and left dreaming of a career in the Senate. Now, after six years in the Senate, he's back at the Washington Semester Program, this time as a "distinguished adjunct professor.''

But he lost a few things along the way. In 1968, he lost his right arm and both legs in Vietnam. Last fall, he lost his Senate seat in a campaign that became a symbol of nasty politics.

Cleland, 60, is still livid over a now-infamous TV commercial that Republican challenger Saxby Chambliss ran against him. It opened with pictures of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, then attacked Cleland for voting against President Bush's Homeland Security bill. It didn't mention that Cleland supported a Democratic bill that wasn't radically different.

"That was the biggest lie in America -- to put me up there with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein and say I voted against homeland security!" he says, his voice rising in anger.

"I volunteered 35 years ago to go to Vietnam and the guy I was running against got out of going to Vietnam with a trick knee! I was an author of the homeland security bill, for goodness' sake! But I wasn't a rubber stamp for the White House. That right there is the epitome of what's wrong with American politics today!" ... END

Saxby Chambliss, you are a disgraceful coward! The Right loves to talk about "patriotism" and "love of country", but it is those on Left, that usually do most of the fighting and dying. Sax, you are just another piece of slime that has crawled out of the wood work. Bring back the "Big Dog". At least, Clinton had the guts to stand up to you wimps!

:: DM1 7/03/2003 08:14:00 AM [+] ::
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