:: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 ::
Memo to Sean "The Weasel" Hannity:
I sent this email to Hannity and Colmes about Sean Hannity's reaction to Chairman of the NAACP Julian Bond's comments where he called Republicans nazis:
Julian Bond should not have made the comments because while he may believe that Republicans are nazis this kind of rheteric is unhelpful. He should apologize and rethink his priorities and his usefulness to a badly needed dialogue. That said Sean Hannity is a fraud. Ever heard of the term "femi-nazis" its a term that is used frequently by Rush Limbaugh, Hannity's best buddy. Limbaugh was just hired as part of ESPN's football broadcast team. Why has it been okay for Limbaugh to get away with his rheteric for years, yet Hannity says nothing and has never to my knowledge denounced Limbaugh or his comments? A radio personality? That makes his responsibility all that greater. He reaches I believe 15 million folks a day. Julian Bond has been only surfaced because of his comments of a few days ago. Who is truly the most detrimental to a national dialogue? A hate-monger that spews his venom in a speech, or the hate-monger that spews his venom daily to 15 million people?
:: DM1 7/16/2003 10:20:00 PM [+] ::