:: Monday, July 14, 2003 ::
Memo to Sean "The Weasel" Hannity:
You are truly a piece of work. On your show tonight you called former Ambassador Joe Wilson a "partisan hack" for coming out against Bush's Iraq/Africa/Uranium claim. Well Joe Wilson was appointed an Ambassador under the first George Bush. Vice President Richard "D-Money" Cheney asked him to go to Africa to check out the Iraq/Africa/Uranium issue in 2002. Wilson to his credit came back to the States and prepared a report that said there was nothing to the claim. This was done in early 2002, well before Bush's January 2003 State of the Union Address. You are so out done because behind the bluster you know that your boy lied and you could never admit it because of your own pseudo-reality. You and your boys spent eight years chasing Clinton's jock and to now have to face the reality of a "Christain Conservative President" lying to the American People is more than you can ever bear. Though as true Christians your charge is to seek the truth. Just goes to show why you always have to remind people that you are Christian. Just live up to the standards that you and your ilk created for Clinton. Just remember it was the hypocrites that Jesus rebuked!
:: DM1 7/14/2003 09:59:00 PM [+] ::