:: Sunday, August 31, 2003 ::
Memo to Fox News:
As a republican for 17 years, I am more and more amused at the lengths that some republicans will go to win a point. Today, you had a clip of Senator Clinton (and I will give her the respect due) talking about the EPA's Inspector General report. She was speaking about the alleged misrepresentation by the EPA on the air quality at Ground Zero in the months after the WTC terrorist attacks. Interspersed with her comments were those of a republican strategist. What is that all about? I have never seen you do that with President Bush, or anybody else. Now I don't watch your station that often because I know what a "conservative slant" is and the Fox News Channel provides it. However, if the news is about Senator Clinton's comments, why the unnecessary commentary by a republican partisan? It doesn't strike me as fair and balanced, if you don't accord President Bush and other republicans the same treatment.
I like to think that the core republican philosophy is enough to persuade the public at large. Mind you not the type of republicanism that is practiced today, but the more economically and more importantly socially conscience republicans of the 1950s and early 1960s. What I see now is a bunch of bitter and intolerant individuals who seem out of touch with the America that I have come to know. I know that we can do better. I don't need Tom Delay trying to engineer a gerrymandering scam in Texas. I don't need Darryl Issa fomenting a republican purge of a democratic governor. I particularly don't need the partisans like Hannity and Limbaugh that demagogue. I have faith that principled individuals like Dick Lugar, Chuck Hagel, and John McCain will force the far right wing of the party to moderate some of their legislation. I look forward to the day when President Bush and his minions are in retirement. The Republican Party can do better and it must do better.
Da' Militant 1
:: DM1 8/31/2003 01:53:00 PM [+] ::