:: Friday, August 15, 2003 ::
Memo to Republican Conservatives:
I've been away for a while because you are bordering on insane. Did I hear Sean "Weasel" Hannity blame the blackout on Bill Clinton today? Is this your defense of Bush's and the Republican Congress' lack of action. Didn't Dick "D-Money" Cheney hold an energy meeting with his gang to divide the energy spoils. Shouldn't that meeting have focused on the aging energy infrastructure? Obviously, it didn't. So what did they meet about and why was their strategy a failure. This of course assumes that they even gave a damn about the poor saps in Ohio, Michigan, and New York. Let's go to the video tape:
From Joe Conason in today's Salon:
The president's response to the blackout was predictable: Use the occasion to promote the interests of his supporters in the oil and electricity industries -- and to proclaim that he has been on top of this decades-old problem all along. According to the New York Times, the White House plans to use the blackout to promote its energy bill, written by corporate lobbyists and the vice president (but I repeat myself).
"Of course, we'll have time to look at it and determine whether or not our grid needs to be modernized," Bush told reporters. "I happen to think it does, and have said so all along."
Whatever he has been saying all along, his administration and its comrades on Capitol Hill haven't done much to address the decay of the grid -- an issue not easily solved by deregulation. David Sirota, former communications director for the minority on the House Appropriations Committee, sent around a note today pointing out that in June 2001, the White House and Congressional Republicans voted down a proposal to provide $350 million in federally backed loans for reconstruction and modernization of the grid. Its sponsor was Sam Farr, a California Democrat who commented at the time, rather prophetically, "without timely intervention from the federal government, the crisis is likely to spread to other states." END
Do you notice that it was Bush and the Republican Congress who came out against modernizing the grid. For a measly $350 million the grid could have started to undergo some modernization. Where did the money go? Can you say "tax cut" ? So there you have it "Weasel". You and the rest of your cult have the real story and still you blame Clinton. I'm being to think that you wish that you could trade places with Monica. I have never seen so much anger. It's almost like a lover scorn. Clinton pays attention to everyone, but you. You goad him and goad him and still he pays you no mind while he's making millions of dollars. It just riles your asses. Well not to worry. I doubt that most of you will be around much longer. The lies that you have had to spread and defend are becoming much to numerous. Even poor Dr. "I hate my mother" Laura is converting back to Christianity. Talk about sowing what you reap! I really hope that you choke on the truth because after today that is all that is on the menu!
Da' militant 1
:: DM1 8/15/2003 09:53:00 PM [+] ::