:: Sunday, August 31, 2003 ::
Memo to Tim Russert:
John Kerry was on Meet The Press on 8/31/03. Russert asked Kerry about a statement he made about George Bush in the recent past. Kerry essentially said that Bush (who was two years behind Kerry at Yale) was the same person today as he was at Yale. Russert asked him what he meant and Kerry wouldn't respond specifically to the question. Here is the text of my email to Russert:
John Kerry is too much of a gentleman to say what he felt about George Bush. What he meant by saying that Bush was the same person today as he was at Yale is that Bush is an "amiable dunce". Of course Bush is a likable fellow. How do you think he's managed all of these years. Just goes to show you how far a big name and big money can take you! Why don't you invite Bush on and question him? He deserves to have his feet put to the fire, though I have my doubts that you could, or would ask the really tough questions. Maybe you could start with the 90 page report he recieved on Iraq's WMD BEFORE the war. Ask him why didn't he read the footnotes at the end of the document that noted a split in the various agencies on the veracity of the Niger/Uranium claim? Ask him how could he as President, ready to send thousands of young people to war and hundreds to their deaths, not have read the report in its entirety? Didn't he owe it to the Nation and its soldiers to be fully informed? Didn't he have an obligation to act intelligently and responsibly? Anyway, John Kerry was dead on the money about Bush and we are all now dealing with his lack of intelligence and basic knowledge of the world and its history.
Da' Militant 1
:: DM1 8/31/2003 01:45:00 PM [+] ::