:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 ::

Memo to Sheep:

From Terrence Hunt of the Associated Press. The last paragraph of his article today:

The focus on Rove brought an odd twist to Bush's travels. When the president boarded Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington, he walked up the steps and waved - and not a single camera followed. He looked momentarily perplexed. All lenses were trained on Rove at the bottom of the steps.

Fasten your seat belts because we are in for a hell of a ride!

:: DM1 9/30/2003 07:16:00 PM [+] ::
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