:: Saturday, September 27, 2003 ::
Memo to Sheep:
Now the Bush administration is telling you that the "Mission Accomplished" banner on the aircraft carrier that Bush landed on was not referring to Iraq, but the accomplishment of the aircraft carrier and its crew.
What? Here's an excerpt from a report by M. L. Lyke in the Seattle Port Dispatch dated May 2, 2003:
At 6 p.m., the crew of 5,300 stood at attention, arms stiff, shoulders held back, hands fisted, as the president began his expected war-is-over speech. A banner strung behind his head proclaimed: "Missions accomplished."
In suit and tie, he told the Lincoln's crew that the conflict had ended, that, because of them, the nation was more secure, the tyrant had fallen and Iraq was free. His speech was interrupted constantly with applause and cheers. But it was his comments about the ship heading home that drew the most sustained whoops and clapping.
How pathetic is the Bush Administration? Now that things are not going as well as they expected, they want us to believe that the banner on the aircraft carrier did not pertain to the Iraq War. Yeah, right!
:: DM1 9/27/2003 08:43:00 PM [+] ::