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:: Friday, October 17, 2003 ::

Getting to the Bottom of 9/11

Here's a piece of an article by Eric Boehlert in today's Salon:

Is the 9/11 commission getting tough?
Subpoena against FAA suggests signs of life -- and victims' families are suddenly hopeful.
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Oct. 16, 2003 | The national 9/11 commission's decision Wednesday to issue subpoenas against the Federal Aviation Administration, after it failed to hand over key investigative documents, may signal a new get-tough phase for the inquiry, as the commission tries to unravel the failures that made possible the Sept. 11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000.

Makes you wonder why the Bush Administration is dragging it's feet in turning over documents. Be it the FAA or other government agencies, the Administration obviously has put out the word to slow walk information. The Commission's deadline is May 2004. What a sad and pathetic little people the Bushies are. Bush's minions have always put the blame for 9/11 on Bill Clinton, but it's not Clinton that is holding up the investigation. Too bad that the Commission is not investigating Clinton's genitals because then the Bushies would have plenty of documentation complete with pictures.

Wake up sheep, they are coming to get you!

:: DM1 10/17/2003 06:12:00 AM [+] ::
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