:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Sunday, October 12, 2003 ::

Memo to the Dittoheads:

So, the "Great One" is a junkie. Hey, don't get mad at me. Ken Hamlin, known as the conservative "Black Avenger", called Rush a junkie. What do you do now? Think for yourselves? Why not try it. Rush led you down a path that you bought hook, line, and sinker. I hear a lot of you now talking about having compassion for Rush and his illness. For a young black man with the same problem, you label him a menace to society, a criminal, and a degenerate. So, are you going to be consistent, or are you going to prove what black folks have known all along? That when it comes to black folk many white folks always think that get they deserve everything they get. They're poor, jobless, uneducated, "loose", welfare dependent, and any other negative thing that you can think of. Rush on the other hand lives in a $24 million mansion and is heard daily by millions of listeners. He is adored and worshiped by the conservative movement.

So what's Rush's excuse? Back pain? Why didn't he go to his doctor if it was his back? Between Rush and the poor, black so and so with no hope and no future, who is really in pain. Who really deserves compassion and understanding? You're right, Rush! And that's why there will not be any real rapproachment between the races. You really believe that Rush is different and should be treated differently.

Rush with all his money and fame is no better than that poor, black wretch that you all disparage daily. Let's see if he is subject to the same laws as those poor, black wretches. I doubt it. I hope that the "rule of law" will prevail, especially since if true, Rush was guilty of multiple felonies over an extended period of time. Now is the time for you sheep to reevaluate your slavish behavior to these phony right wing talk show hosts. Listen, everybody is dirty in his or her own way. Acting as if you are morally superior to the rest of us is getting to be tiresome. It's time for you to practice not what Rush preaches, but what Jesus preaches. You like to refer to yourselves as Christians. Well now you can start acting like "true" Christians. You can minister to Rush and pray for him, but when you are finished go and help that miserable, poor, black wretch.

:: DM1 10/12/2003 01:31:00 AM [+] ::
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