:: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 ::
The Plight of George W. Bush
I've noticed recently that George Bush's mother has been out trashing those that criticize her son. I think that Mother Bush needs to step back and take a deep breath. What people are criticizing is his disasterous performance as president. Some people do indeed hate George Bush, but he had a 90% approval rating after 9/11, the media never uttered a discouraging word, and the democrats, at least most of them took a dive. All Bush had to do was build on the good will that came his way after the attacks. What did he do? Besides attacking the Taliban, which most of the American People and the rest of the world supported, including the French, Bush began to believe that he had a blank check to do as he pleases. The Congress and the conservative right have enabled him. Then what did he do, I think that you need to performance
:: DM1 10/28/2003 05:47:00 AM [+] ::