:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Friday, November 28, 2003 ::

:: DM1 11/28/2003 03:48:00 PM [+] ::
Alright Sports Fans, I'm back. Every now and then I have to take a break because it gets hectic trying to point out all of the lies, distortions, and deviations of the Bush administration. So many inconsistencies so little time. Bush just flew to Iraq and the Bush cabal, pundits, Faux News, and the rest are telling us how wonderful and brave he is. To my recollection, the Iraqis don't have an air force so I don't think that Bush had to worry about a dogfight. Also, I am sure that there was a very large complement of jet fighters, AWACs, helicopter gunships, and soldiers on the ground to prevent any attempt to shoot down Air Force One. So as quiet as it's kept Bush did do the right thing, but he was not parachuting in to hostile territory only armed with a K-bar (a military knife). To lionize someone for doing want they ought to do is not only ridiculous, but this way of thinking continues to lower the bar as to what is truly extraordinary and exemplary.

The fact that Bush's visit was kept in the strictest secrecy belies a crucial point that he and his minions constantly make: That while Iraq does have some security problems, things are going reasonably well. If Bush has to fly into Baghdad International Airport in complete secrecy doesn't that suggest that some serious issues involving security remain. Not small pockets of resistance mind you, but a committed band of guerrillas bent on killing as many American soldiers as possible, or die trying. It's just that simple. Now the question is what are we prepared to do?

:: DM1 11/28/2003 03:46:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, November 03, 2003 ::
Except from today's column by Tim Harper of the Toronto Star:

Lynn Cutler, a Democratic strategist and former official in Bill Clinton's White House, says this is the first time in history that bodies have been brought home under cover of secrecy.

"It feels like Vietnam when Lyndon Johnson was accused of hiding the body bags ....

"This is a big government and a big Pentagon and they could have someone there to meet these bodies as they come back to the country."

But today's military doesn't even use the words "body bags" — a term in common usage during the Vietnam War, when 58,000 Americans died.

During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the Pentagon began calling them "human remains pouches" and it now refers to them as "transfer tubes."

Transfer tubes? That's how we dignify are dead soldiers? Transfer tubes? Are the dead soldiers just material to be removed when no longer functional? Where are the honorable funerals of our brave dead soldiers? Don't we at least owe it to them to acknowledge their sacifices publicly? Who were they fighting for? They were fighting for us. George Bush has not attended a single funeral according to the "Bush Watchers". Not one personal tribute from a man who has sent them to their deaths. If they were good enough for Bush on the aircraft carrier "alive" , then surely he can stop his fund raising of tens of millions of dollars and pay proper tribute to at least one of our dead soldiers. For all of Bill Clinton's faults (I'm sure that you conservative republicans can name them all and then some), he attended public funerals of our dead soldiers. Even the lying, draft dodging, womanizer had the decency, perspective, and courage to show his face and pay tribute to the young soldiers that he sent to their deaths. That is leadership and that is what George Bush is sorely lacking.

:: DM1 11/03/2003 06:10:00 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, November 02, 2003 ::
The Faux News Network

Good News from Iraq today. The Iraqis have more electricity and more schools are open. Oh yeah, a chinook helicopter was shot down today killing 13 U.S. soldiers and wounding 20. Iraqis are going back to work and experiencing democracy. Oh yeah, the number of U.S. killed is approaching 400 and total casualties are close to 2,500. More Iraqi policemen are on the street and the Iraqi army is being retrained. Oh, yeah, none of the people who are keeping the troops in harm's way in Iraq have family members in harm's way. I've got a nephew in the Marines stationed in Okinawa and another in the Air Force in Germany. Is it too much to ask that the people responsible for keeping our troops in harm's way contribute the blood of their families. I did my time in the Army for four years and am sick of the B.S. shoved down our throats daily. Bill Clinton is termed a reprobate because he wouldn't come clean on oral sex. George Bush is getting our young people killed, maimed, and wounded for a failed "nation-building" strategy. The Faux News Network has some explaining to do. FNN and it's minions had day after day of critical analysis and stories involving Bill Clinton and his penis, however, for this failed Bush administration they cover up , blame others, and hail Bush. What utter frauds. Personal responsibility and accountability well that's only reserved for democrats, black criminals, welfare mothers, arab terrorists, and illegal immigrants. When are white conservatives going to hold Bush and his crowd to the same standards?

:: DM1 11/02/2003 06:32:00 AM [+] ::

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