:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Friday, November 28, 2003 ::

Alright Sports Fans, I'm back. Every now and then I have to take a break because it gets hectic trying to point out all of the lies, distortions, and deviations of the Bush administration. So many inconsistencies so little time. Bush just flew to Iraq and the Bush cabal, pundits, Faux News, and the rest are telling us how wonderful and brave he is. To my recollection, the Iraqis don't have an air force so I don't think that Bush had to worry about a dogfight. Also, I am sure that there was a very large complement of jet fighters, AWACs, helicopter gunships, and soldiers on the ground to prevent any attempt to shoot down Air Force One. So as quiet as it's kept Bush did do the right thing, but he was not parachuting in to hostile territory only armed with a K-bar (a military knife). To lionize someone for doing want they ought to do is not only ridiculous, but this way of thinking continues to lower the bar as to what is truly extraordinary and exemplary.

The fact that Bush's visit was kept in the strictest secrecy belies a crucial point that he and his minions constantly make: That while Iraq does have some security problems, things are going reasonably well. If Bush has to fly into Baghdad International Airport in complete secrecy doesn't that suggest that some serious issues involving security remain. Not small pockets of resistance mind you, but a committed band of guerrillas bent on killing as many American soldiers as possible, or die trying. It's just that simple. Now the question is what are we prepared to do?

:: DM1 11/28/2003 03:46:00 PM [+] ::
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