:: Thursday, April 08, 2004 ::
Did Bush Know
Recall that in August 2001, George W. Bush went on vacation for a month. Since 9/11 some have accused Bush of knowing about the 9/11 attacks beforehand. The title of Bush's August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing was "Osama Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States". This was 35 days before the attacks. I don't know how clearer the answer can be. Of course, Bush knew that Osama was going to strike in the United States. Now Bush is being honest if not self-serving by saying that if he had known that terrorist would hijack planes and crash them into buildings, he would have done everything in his power to prevent it. Who doesn't believe that? The question is knowing that Osama was determined to strike inside the U.S. what did Bush do to try and avert the attacks? The answer is obvious and Bush's biggest problem is not being straight about his lack of action. IT is up to the voting public to judge Bush and his leadership. Bush should respect our democracy and start to be candid and honest. I happen to think that Bush is unfit for the presidency because I disagree with his policies and his arrogance. Now there are those of you who love Bush and think that he is a great president. At some point each of us will have to weigh the facts and cast our votes. I will tell you that my view is that Bush has by his behavior forfeited the privilege of a second term. The mess that is Iraq is reason enough, but there has been a facade taking place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Bush's own people do not trust him to testify at the 9/11 Commission. He's going to appear with Dick Cheney? What is that all about? As president he should be able to stand on his own and give a full accounting of his policies and actions. That he is incapable of doing so (See Bush on Meet the Press a couple of months ago.) impugns any rationale he may give for seeking relection. At some point it has to be about the good of the country. Granted John Kerry has "stuff" with him. He will probably be able to cobble together a real coalition to deal with some of the terrorism problems of the world. As far as the economy goes with $500 billion in deficits as far as the eye can see, Kerry would have to be a real idiot to do worse. I report, you decide.
:: DM1 4/08/2004 08:13:00 PM [+] ::