:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

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:: Saturday, April 10, 2004 ::

The Druggie Speaks about Race

This is the Latest From Rush Limbaugh's Web Site

The Crown Prince of Relevance

April 8, 2004

“Only in Washington when the girl is a Republican and a black can you beat up on her. Couldn't do this if she were representing a Democrat administration regardless of her color, but especially given that she's black.”

“Ben-Veniste thought he was in a moral dominant circumstance, that Dr. Rice would be submissive. You're supposed to know that when he asks a question, you're not supposed to answer it; you're supposed to sit there in due reverence and take whatever he dishes out. She said, 'Screw this.'”

All of a sudden Condi Rice is black. So much for "color blindness. I thought Rush wanted everybody to be judged by the "content of their character". This is a prime example of the phoniness of the conservative movement. Now we see that Condi is just a black woman getting shafted by the Man.

:: DM1 4/10/2004 10:09:00 AM [+] ::
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