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:: Sunday, April 04, 2004 ::

Iraq: "Where is the Love?"

Unka' Dick said that you would welcome us. The Dauphin said that you deserved democracy. For the last year his Fraudulency's administration has told us that it's only a few who oppose U.S. policies in Iraq. What happened? My fellow white Americans let me be clear, "Some folks do not want to be like you." You have to understand that people in other places see you as insincere, cunning, and not to be trusted. Look at the problems we have between blacks and whites in the States and we have lived together for centuries. Hell, we celebrate the same God, the same American traditions and the same ground. Look how much we our at each others throat. That being the case, what makes you think that people from a civilization that is thousands of years older than ours are going to listen to you? If you insist on conquering greater Arabia (the Middle East) you have to realize that these people will continue to resist for centuries to come. They can not be brought into submission. George Bush #1 understood the folly of occupying Baghdad from a historical perspective. The metrics, as Donnie "the Flash" Rumsfield likes to say, have not changed. The Dauphin because of his privileged upbringing, uncurious mind, ignorance of history, inability to discern, arrogance, and hubris disregarded the reality of the situation. As such there are more than 600 U.S. families that have one less place at the table. More than 3,400 U.S. families are nursing broken relatives, many with multiple missing limbs. White folks wanted to show Saddam who was boss and you sure did. Now you are reaping the bitter dregs of your actions. You have to understand that most Arabs do not like the U.S. because of our unquestioned support for Israel, period. There is nothing that the U.S. can do to gain any significant support its Greater Arabia policies as long as it unconditionally supports Israel. Also, missiles and bombs can only get you so far. They took us to Baghdad and now they are useless. What was the mission as first stated? Get rid of WMDs and Saddam. Well there are and never were WMDs and Saddam is sitting in a cell, a broken old man. So why are we still in Iraq? Nation building? Democracy? Have you been watching the television. It looks like thousands of Iraqis are marching in the street killing Americans and each other. Can you say "Civil War"? Declare victory and go home. We can't afford to experience another year of "success" in Iraq.

:: DM1 4/04/2004 09:42:00 AM [+] ::
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