:: Sunday, April 11, 2004 ::
Laziest White Man I Ever Saw
Here's an article from the Houston Chronicle:
Neither war nor inquiry keeps Bush from R&R
Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle
It's Easter weekend, and that means President Bush is at the ranch, nevermind that U.S. troops last week struggled to put down an uprising in Iraq or his national security adviser was being grilled about who knew what and when before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Bush makes the pilgrimage to his Central Texas spread every year for Easter, when the wildflowers are in full bloom and the mesquite trees are sprouting fresh, iridescent green leaves.
Last week, the president gave a tour of the ranch to leaders of hunting rights, recreational sports and gun rights groups. He later sat down for an interview with Ladies' Home Journal.
Bush has now made 33 trips to Crawford since becoming president, bringing his total to more than 230 days at the ranch in a little more than three years, according to a tally kept by CBS News.
Add his 78 trips to Camp David and five to his family's compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, and Bush has spent all or part of 500 days -- or about 40 percent of his presidency -- at one of his three retreats.
There is an episode from "All in the Family" where Archie is talking to Meathead. In a particular scene, Archie is savaging Meathead for not working and contributing to the upkeep of the house. Archie then exclaims that MEathead was "the laziest white man I ever saw". After George W. Bush's tenure in the White House, I think Meathead has been downgraded to number two.
:: DM1 4/11/2004 11:19:00 AM [+] ::