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:: Sunday, April 18, 2004 ::

One Reason Why Afghan President Hamed Karzai is Known as the "Mayor of Kabul"

From the Seattle Times:

Woodward book tells of Bush's march to war in Iraq

By The Associated Press and The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Bush quietly ordered creation of a war plan against Iraq in November 2001 while overseeing a divided national-security team, including a vice president determined to link Saddam Hussein to al-Qaida, a new book says.

Journalist Bob Woodward, in "Plan of Attack," says Secretary of State Colin Powell believed Vice President Dick Cheney developed — as Woodward puts it — an "unhealthy fixation" on trying to find a connection between Iraq and the Sept. 11 attacks. Bush dismissed such characterizations of Cheney.

Another key revelation: Bush in mid-2002 secretly approved the diversion of hundreds of millions of dollars meant for Afghanistan to projects that would set the stage for a massive deployment of U.S. troops to the Persian Gulf region.

Did you get that? Bush secretly diverted hundreds of millions of dollars FROM Afghanistan to Iraq. The war in Afghanistan was supposed to bring democracy to the country and culminate in the capture or killing of Osama Bin Laden. Instead Bush chose to chase Saddam. Didn't he tell us that we would get Osama "dead or live"? I bet you all thought he meant it. Now you find out that he half-a**ed it. Basically told you anything he wanted to and then went behind your back and subverted the march to victory in Afghanistan. Now Hamed Karzai walks, and very quickly I might add, around the streets of Kabul trying to appear presidential. This I might add is striking similar to what Bush has been doing in the U.S. Bush diverted milions and millions of dollars away from our efforts to capture or kill Public Enemy #1 Osama to go after Saddam. Not one Iraqi was among any of the hijackers of 9/11. I submit that this revelation as well as other proveable breaches of the public's faith call for a strong response from the citizenry and Congress. Can you say impeachment? The only WMD that the republicans were looking for in the 90s belonged to Bill Clinton and when they found it they impeached him. The only person who was attacked by Clinton's WMD was Monica and she has the stained dress to prove it. Bush's search for nonexistent WMD in Iraq has caused thousands of U.S. and Iraqi casualities and deaths. It is time for this embarassment as a president to leave office. We need new leadership and I don't care which John Kerry shows up on election day, either one of them is better than what we have now, the boy who would be king.

:: DM1 4/18/2004 07:56:00 AM [+] ::
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