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:: Sunday, May 02, 2004 ::

Here's A Letter from an Old Man who has it Right

Cowards shouldn't quibble or accuse
May 1, 2004

WHAT'S ALL this horse manure about ribbons and medals? And it comes from absentee Dick Cheney and semi-AWOL George Bush. How dare the administration's Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, who skipped the war of their time, send 700 young Americans to their deaths.

We now watch in amazement as the coalition of wimps tries to diminish John Kerry's service!

I won some medals flying against the Nazis. Now I can't even find my medals or ribbons. The terminology is irrelevant. The ribbons are just the wearable stand-ins for the medals. They aren't important except for being symbols of service. All sevicemen's discharge papers record the awards.

I recall the day my wife and I camped out on Lexington Green with John Kerry and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. We and hundreds of the region's solid citizens believed that members of the US military who had been hoodwinked into fighting a dirty and mistaken war deserved our support.

Kerry was right as a patriot to put his life on the line and then, with the wisdom that came from his experience in Vietnam, to do his best to end the slaughter of young Americans. If that's what this Republican flip-flop issue is about, I think the Bush camp should be ashamed. Cowards shouldn't quibble and accuse. They didn't earn the right.


That pretty mush sums up a lot of the anger towards the "chickenhawks". I will give Rummy and Colin their due because they served honorably. Bush, Cheney, Woofy, and the rest didn't step up when they could have. Neither did Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Hume, Barnes, or Kristol. All of you could have spoken loud and clearly by serving your country in uniform, but you didn't. It's not that any of you didn't serve in combat, it's that you didn't serve. Bush doesn't get the benefit of the doubt because his daddy's pull got him in the National Guard. All of you phonies out there know that back in day folks like Bush joined the Guard to get out of going to Vietnam. Don't try the justification that Bush flew jets and was in a dangerous MOS. I bet most of the soldiers in Vietnam would have traded flying jets in Texas to sloushing in rice patties being shot at. So just go away. If Ollie or G. Gordon want to take Kerry to task, fine, let's have at it. The rest of you haven't earned it. Peace

U.S. Army 1981-85
Expert M-16 and Grenade (and I was a computer programmer)
Army Achievement Medal 1985
West Point 1980 (Before the good old boys ran me out)

:: DM1 5/02/2004 08:37:00 AM [+] ::
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