:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Saturday, May 08, 2004 ::

Sit Down and Shut Up

Memo to conservative republicans. It's time for some of you to shutup and sit down. The country has been doing it your way for the past three years. We have record deficits, two wars that don't seem to have a conclusion, and the hatred of the world. This is what happens when arrogant phony hypocrites hijack America foreign policy. To see you pontificating at the Iraqi prisoner abuse hearings is a joke. Your boy Rush doesn't have to filter or shade his words and you know that most of you feel the same way. Rush says its no more than a "fraternity prank" and troops letting off steam. Your biggest outrage is that this has come to light and the world is outraged. The fact that you have to qualify all of your comments about how wonderful the rest of the troops are performing is an indication at least to many that your outrage is dubious at best. Most of the world knows that the vast majority of American soldiers are solid professionals. That some in the Arab world and Europe feel differently is more of a function of their overall disdain for the Bush Administration and its policies. Get used to it because if the Dauphin is reappointed we will have at least four more years of disgrace and misery. You talk about schools being built, clean water being available and hospitals being built in Iraq. Sounds like a job for the Peace Corps. How about the hospital closings that have gone on in the Nation's Capital in the past few years? Don't hear you bragging about that.

The bitter truth is that the American government has moved so far to the right that it no longer represents those high ideals that were hallmarks to the rest of the world. No dissent was allowed after 9/11. Not once did you look back and admit a mistake. You just kept on pushing your narrow ideological agenda damn the consequences. Is it that you think biblical prophesy is being revealed? Well don't be surprised if you will be taking the "down" elevator because there is nothing christian about what is going on with the so-called christian right. None of the carnage would be happening without your blessing to the Bush Administration. Your insistence that the country go to war in Iraq was wholly without merit or substance. Any reader of history and warfare would have surmised that the true battles in Iraq would be fought in the cities not the desert. Saddam had no air force. His armor was poor and his soldiers were not very good desert fighters against the U.S. Now if the Iraqis could lure the Americans into the cities, they could then start the body count. And now the battle has been joined. Surprise, surprise! Pictures of naked Iraqis and sadistic American soldiers begin to flood the Internet. Why are you surprised? Our policies have been anti-arab and pro-Israel for many years. The soldiers who now serve in Iraq grew up hearing and seeing nothing, but negative images of arabs and Iraqis. You then send them over to fight these images and guess what? Some American soldiers begin to humilate and degrade a bunch of worthless so and sos who are killing their friends and keeping them from seeing their families. That the abuse was probably at least tacitly ordered by military intelligence or some other entity shows how easy even the best of us can be pulled into the madness. The fact is that the conservative right has had its chance and has screwed up at every turn. Now it's time for you to sit down and shut up!

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/08/2004 03:03:00 PM [+] ::
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