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:: Friday, July 23, 2004 ::

The "Peace" President?

This is a excerpt from George W. Bush's interview with Tim Russert on Meet The Press in February of this year:

Russert:  Shouldn't the American people have the benefit of the commission before the election?

President Bush:  Well, the reason why we gave it time is because we didn't want it to be hurried.  This is a strategic look, kind of a big-picture look about the intelligence-gathering capacities of the United States of America, whether it be the capacity to gather intelligence in North Korea or how we've used our intelligence to, for example, learn more information about A.Q. Khan.  And it's important that this investigation take its time.

Now, look, we are in a political season.  I fully understand people — He's trying to avoid responsibility.  There is going to be ample time for the American people to assess whether or not I made a — good calls, whether or not I used good judgment, whether or not I made the right decision in removing Saddam Hussein from power, and I look forward to that debate, and I look forward to talking to the American people about why I made the decisions I made.

The commission I set up, Tim, is one that will help future presidents understand how best to fight the war on terror, and it's an important part of the kind of lessons learned in Iraq and lessons learned in Afghanistan prior to us going in, lessons learned that we can apply to both Iran and North Korea because we still have a dangerous world.  And that's very important for, I think, the people to understand where I'm coming from to know that this is a dangerous world.  I wish it wasn't. 

I'm a war president.  I make decisions here in the Oval Office in foreign-policy matters with war on my mind.  Again, I wish it wasn't true, but it is true.  And the American people need to know they got a president who sees the world the way it is.  And I see dangers that exist, and it's important for us to deal with them.

Now listen to George Bush today from Reuters:

By Adam Entous
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Reuters) - After launching two wars, President Bush said on Tuesday he wanted to be a "peace president" and took swipes at his Democratic rivals for being lawyers and weak on defense.
With polls showing public support for the war in Iraq in decline, Bush cast himself as a reluctant warrior and assured Americans they were "safer" as he campaigned in the battleground states of Iowa and Missouri against Democrat John Kerry and his running mate, former trial lawyer John Edwards.

"The enemy declared war on us," Bush told a re-election rally in Cedar Rapids. "Nobody wants to be the war president. I want to be the peace president... The next four years will be peaceful years." Bush used the words "peace" or "peaceful" a total of 20 times.

Bush has called himself a "war president" in leading the United States in a battle against terrorism brought about by the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America. "I'm a war president. I make decisions here in the Oval Office in foreign policy matters with war on my mind," he said in February.

So there you have it.  And he calls John Kerry a "flip-flopper."  What an absolute disgrace.  Talk about saying ANYTHING to get elected!  Once again sheep, this is why you do not vote for ordinary Americans with ordinary intelligence.  They don't do well is critical situations.  That's why you should vote for someone who actually learned something is school.  For Bush to have an undergraduate degree from Yale and a MBA from Harvard, he is woefully inept.  Makes you wonder about the "affirmative action" program they have for the children of the rich, the powerful , and the white.  Bush is now in free fall and is sinking fast.  The country has been on edge almost from the day that he took office.  Remember that before 9/11, his ratings were in the toilet.  It took Bush less than two years to squander the goodwill of the country and the world.  Soldiers and Marines are still dying in Iraq at the rate of two a day.  Deaths are 900+ and total casuslties are 6,000+,  Medical evacuations are 20,000+.  And Bush is a "peace" president?

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 7/23/2004 08:16:00 AM [+] ::
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