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:: Saturday, July 10, 2004 ::

Phony Christians of the Conservative Right

Today's Washington Post has an article on page A3 which notes that at least some of George W. Bush's payroll records were destroyed in 1996 and 1997. A Pentagon Spokesman says that he is unable to provide complete copies of Bush's payroll records because of "inadvertent destruction of microfilm containing certain National Guard payroll records." What a surprise! White Conservative America, you spent eight years telling us that Bill Clinton was the devil, a liar, a crook, and generally a despicable human being. Yet you continue to support a liar, a crook, and a generally despicable human being. Yes, I am speaking of George W. Bush. Your continued support of this person is amazing because most of you profess to be Christians and hold dear the Ten Commandments. Why don't hold Bush to these standards. The flap over Bush's Guard service is a perfect example. He knows that he didn't serve all of his time because if he did the information would have come out long ago. How convenient that his records were "destroyed" accidentally. Does anybody with a kernel of honesty in their body actually believe that? Yet white conservatives go around strutting with a fake moral authority.

The devil also invokes God's name and we know where he is coming from. Where is Jesus in your lives that you can see so clearly the "log" in Clinton's eye, but not the "Redwood" in your own. The devil's goal is to bring death and destruction to whatever he touches. Compare Clinton's eight years to Bush's four years. Clinton for all of his faults at least tried to reconcile and reach out to his enemies. That is my opinion is Jesus-like. This doesn't mean that you get walked over, but at least you try. Bush on the other hand has alienated at least three quarters of the world against the U.S. Where is his Jesus-like behavior? I have yet to see it. Folks are mad about Michael Moore's movie "Farenheit 9/11" saying that it is full of lies and distortions. Well the footage I've seen of Bush doesn't appear to be doctored in any way. Basically, it's an ass acting like an ass. That such an unworthy lout is allowed to debase this country says a lot about the phony christians that populate the republican party. Clinton may have been an unworthy lout, but at least nothing was handed to him. Clinton didn't have a rich daddy with friends to clean up his messes and he was held accountable for his behavior. Remember the impeachment? What about Bush? You spent eight years on Clinton's weapon of mass destruction (his genitals), yet, with Bush, you provide him the "full Monica" daily. It's time now to put away your presidential kneepads for the good of the country and the world.

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 7/10/2004 07:49:00 AM [+] ::
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