:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 ::

The Village Idiot Part Deux

So the Dauphin thinks that it was a good idea to invade Iraq despite the lack of WMDs because the world is better off without Saddam. White hard-right conservatives you are embarassing yourselves supporting this village idiot. Most of you admitted that Al Gore was the smarter candidate and was more conversant on the issues. I remember Bush being interviewed on ABC before the election. He damn near agreed with every position of the Clinton Administration. Cokie Roberts pronounced that Bush had passed the foreign policy test. What an absolute farce! It seems that having to be the best qualified on applies to black folk. You say that the economy is coming back. Well sometimes broken legs heal, but they don't heal right. Check out the jobs that are being created against those being lost. Use you brains for once. You beat everyone else over the head constantly with your perceived moral superiority. Yet, you engage in the most perverse type of morality by supporting someone that has reduced the country to a pariah. And about that supposed colition in Iraq. Find out how much money and other goodies most of those pee-wee countries got for joining us.

I will be hammering white hard-right conservatives from here on out. In 1960 there were 4 million KKK members. What ever happened to them? Look in the republican party. They and their offspring populate and embrace the neo-confederate culture as if harking back to the "good old days." You beliefs have been emotionally and racially driven from day one. As long as Condi and Colin stay in line you will adore them. If they deviate from your ideal than you will scorn them. Your agenda is narrow, self-centered, and truly vapid. You point to the southern democrats to show that the democrats were the ones against civil rights. Well Bush is a republican and so am I and we have nothing in common. I gave him his props for his handling of the aftermath of 9/11. Yeah, I know what Michael Moore says, but Lincoln didn't become "the Great Emancipator" until he faced a crisis. Remember the Civil War? After the war want did Lincoln do? He tried to heal the country. Contrast that to Bush. Bush had a 90% approval rating. He squandered his greatness by being petty, vicious, and arrogant. You can continue to prop him up, but he will continue to follow his nature. It is all he can do.

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 7/13/2004 07:47:00 PM [+] ::
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