:: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 ::
Let's Move Forward
Every time Bush f*cks up his minions want folks to forget that he screwed up and move forward. No accountability, no recriminations, no fault, just move forward. The inability to hold the Dauphin accountable is amazing. The chickens have come back to the coop and are now roosting and still the Bush spawn is trying to twist reality and the facts. I wonder what their definition of being an American is? It sure isn't covering day after day for an incompetent administration which they seem to relish. Remember Bill Clinton's "wee wee"? Clinton's "wee wee" had to be punished and he was impeached. What does it take for Bush to be held accountable. He could be caught on tape admitting to a crime holding the gun with a written signed confession and still his supporters would find him guilty of nothing, but would instead praise him for his honesty and willingness to "move forward." It's worst than embarassing, it's criminal and treasonous.
:: DM1 9/06/2005 10:09:00 AM [+] ::