:: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 ::
More on that Crook Tom Delay
So what about it? Have you finally knocked that "log" from your eye? It's not about the liberals, democrats, blacks, or anybody else. It's about you white folks who followed these crooks over the cliff. Behaviour that you would never tolate from black folk has become standard procedure for the republican party and you have enabled it. Delay, Frist, Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, they have all let you down. Isn;t time to start thinking for yourself? Is this the kind of America you want? While I have a lot of problems with conservatives I am not adverse to a person like Dick Lugar or Chuck Hagel running this country. These are decent men with character and integrity. The clowns that you are supporting are embarassing you. Isn't your support worth more? Don't you deserve politicians with true ethics and morals? Like I've admonished you before, if someone has to keep telling you how christian and moral he is, watch out! It is deeds not words that are the true measure of a human being.
:: DM1 9/28/2005 09:35:00 PM [+] ::