:: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 ::
Weary of the Fight
Sorry folks, I have grown weary of the fight. The chickens are roosting and indictments are pending. None of this is a surprise to me. What does surprise me is that some of the sheep are still heading to the slaughter. Bush never gave a f-ck about you and he and his henchmen are proving it everyday. You voted for a total incompetent that could not lead his way out of a paperbag. Remember that after 9/11 Bush had a 90% approval rating. HE squandered his support and YOU enabled him by being petty, partisan and STUPID with an emphasis on STUPID. You need to look at the demographics that Bush and his henchmen go after. The mark is usually a white christian that is not well educated. There is a reason for this. You can be manipulated very easily. Your continued support of this charlatan is proof of this fact. You deserve better yet you settle for B.S. Well the future is out of your hands and that's the way it should be because you have forfeited your right to be part of the solution.
:: DM1 10/19/2005 05:10:00 PM [+] ::