:: Saturday, July 01, 2006 ::
Death in the Chow Line
In my previous post I referred to a death in a chow line from an earlier post. The blog didn't take. Anyway the skinny of the story is that I was watching the Kathy Griffin reality show (shows you how much cable sucks!). Kathy Griffin is a comic that has appeared on numerous shows including Seinfeld. She was invited to entertain the troops in Iraq a few months ago. While visiting a medic unit at a base in Tikrit, she came upon a soldier that had been wounded by mortar fire directed at the base by insurgents. He explained that his fiancee and his friend who were fellows soldiers and standing right next to him were killed. Do you understand? They were killed trying to get some crummy chow while fighting a crummy war. The a-sholes have the nerve to call those who oppose this insanity unpatriotic. Well if being unpatriotic means that I oppose anyone trying to destroy my country and what it stands for well then I am as unpatriotic as it gets! The country's legacy deserves better.
:: DM1 7/01/2006 08:39:00 PM [+] ::