:: Saturday, July 15, 2006 ::
I just sent this email to Sean Hannity:
You talk a lot about liberals and paint them as unpatriotic pansies. If that were true then this country would never have been established. I heard you on the air a while ago trying to explain why you never served in the military. You gave a weasely answer and told the caller who had inquired that you were not called to serve. You and I are the same age and you know as well as I do that all you had to do to enlist was go down to the nearest recruiting station. I did that and so did three of my closest friends. We all grew up in D.C. and did not have a lot of respect for the folks who were running the country. However, we knew that it was something we had to do. That right four young black liberal democrats volunteered, unlike you. When the caller called you on you response you stumbled and uttered some nonsense that I don't remember. You a patriot? Believe me, of us see you as a bully and a coward.
You and folks who think like you are the reason why a flawed ideology has enveloped this country and is sending us over a cliff. You talk very tough, but when it was your turn you passed. Growing up in D.C. could be a war at times. Guns, drugs and violence were always part of the equation, and still my friend and I volunteered. You claim to support the troops. Have you ever felt the impact of a grenade explode? Fortunately, I never had to serve in combat, but I have had the experience of feeling the impact of a grenade explode in basic training, and I was standing behind a concrete wall. The concussion was immediate and shook the area. a war plan should have a strategic focus with clear objectives that are well thoughout and reasonable given the specifics of the situation. The troops are in a meat grinder and no amount of rah! rah! is going to change that. The stories that I am hearing from the folks that have been over there are the opposite of the drivel that you spew daily. How about supporting the troops by requiring their leaders to lead? Leadership is more than just talking tough. It is also about being smart, pragmatic, and forward thinking. Bush posseses none of these qualities. Bush has shown himself to be very incompetent and incapable of effectively performing his duties.
This war was strategic mistake. This is why liberals and others don't support it. Those folks in Iraq have been fighting and dying for thousands of years. What arrogance that we think we know what's best for them. As bad as Saddam was, he was our hedge against Iran. The "hedge" is now gone, and you can see the results. If you remember when he gassed the Iranians, the U.S. government had nothing to say. The different groups that comprise Iraq hate each other and were waiting for a chance to settle old scores. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. One more thing, I worked in the RNC for three years after I got out of the Army from 1985 to 1988. As a computer programmer, I was responsible for processing voter lists and other data that helped spur the republicans to the majority statue they now enjoy. I have been a republican for 20 years. The current republican leadership and you have disgraced the party and its legacy for you have put emotion and ideology ahead of reason and logic.
:: DM1 7/15/2006 01:29:00 PM [+] ::