:: Sunday, July 23, 2006 ::
A Terrorist State is Born
The following is an excerpt from "The Modern Middle East and North Africa," a book by Lois A. Aroian and Richard P. Mitchell:
The time frame is early 1948
Page 245 -
"Perhaps the most famous and critical instance of brutality occured at the small village of Dayr Yassin west of and on the road to Jerusalem. The I.Z.L. aided by Palmach and Lehi, massacred some 254 men, women, and children although the village had deliberatelt refused to allow Arab troops to occupy it for fear of such an attack. In The Revolt: The Story of the Irgun, I.Z.L. leader Begin justified the massacre on military grounds and claimed that without it, the Jewish state would have been stillborn. Occuring as it did in early April 1948, the onslaught encouraged the exodus of Arabs. Villagers expected to face another Dayr Yassin if they refused to evacuate their villages when pressured by Jewish Forces. Even in Akka, an overwhelming Arab city allotted to the Arab state, Arabs were frightened into leaving. Based on preplanned movements, Jewish forces began moving into western Galilee, part of the proposed Arab entity. Entire populations had no choice but to leave so that even before the British had evacuated and the Jewish state had been proclaimed, some 300,000 Arabs had fled from their homes..." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Begin that the authors speak of is Menachem Begin, the late Prime Minister of Israel, who at the time was engaging in terrorist activities against Arabs throughout what is now Israel. And there lies the rub. Israel and the U.S. continue to refer to Hammas and Hezbollah as terrorists groups while conveniently not mentioning that the State of Israel was born of terrorist actions that killed hundreds if not thousands of Arabs. Basically, the "chickens are coming home to roost" once again. And let's stop with the "God's people" nonsense, no God that I pray to would ever condone what happened at Dayr Yassin. The crocodile tears that are being shed for all of the murdered Israelies at the hands of Arab terrorists are truly misplaced. The sons and daughters of Israel must accept the fact that their lives will forever be marked by war, terror, and death. You can not have it both ways. It was fine to engage in terrorist activities as long as it was for the establishment of a Jewish State, but now that Israel has laid claim to most of the biblical Holy Lands, it wants the terrorism to stop. Not going to happen. If only the Arab folks who were affected by the terrorism unleashed by the Jewish terrorists prior to the creation of the State of Israel had short memories. These are the cold hard facts and if it makes me anti-semitic to state the facts as they are and their ramifications so be it. The truth hurts, but until Israel admits that it was created as a result of Jewish terrorism and begins to accept the fact that a viable Jewish state in the middle of hundreds of millions of Arabs is not a possibility, the Middle East problem will never be solved.
:: DM1 7/23/2006 10:11:00 AM [+] ::