:: Thursday, October 04, 2007 ::
Da' Militant One has returned once again!
Life is hectic and time is moving so I'll get right to it. The following rant is directed towards weak asses like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly:
It would be one thing if fake patriots like Hannity and O’Reilly were real men, but it’s more than ridiculous that these fake tough guys now act as if they actually have heart. Neither was man enough to wear the uniform and now after all these years, they’ve both turned into tough guys. Hannity has spent so much time faking his support for the troops, bashing liberals, whining about Hillary, and talking about Bill Clinton’s genitals that he is nothing more than a joke. Tell the fake tough guy that his act has worn thin. Fox is lucky that there is an abundance of ignorant self-righteous white folks living in America because they, like him, would rather have Americans die in Iraq indefinitely than to admit that they have been completely inept and incompetent in comprehending, or understanding the facts as they stand on the ground in Iraq. But, that’s okay because they are white and conservative so they must be right. I know Hannity met with Bush and got his marching orders to talk up a war with Iran while his ass will still be in the States holding phony freedom concerts and bragging about his “patriotism” and “faith.” Let’s talk about his “patriotism” for a moment. I was listening to Hannity’s show a few years ago and a caller called him out for never wearing the uniform. His response? He actually said that he was not called to serve, as if there was a draft back in the day and he didn’t get drafted. The caller pointed out that all the fake patriot had to do was go to the nearest recruiting station and raise his right hand. Instead he wussed out and now he’s Edward R. Murrow! Based on his daily rants about Hillary and Bill, I can only surmise that he secretly is attracted to Hillary and as for Bill, I don’t know too many men that would obsess over another man’s genitals for so many years. Hannity’s “faith?” All of the true Christians that I have known in my lifetime didn’t have to profess their faith over and over as if bragging. They also had a kind spirit and were gentle souls. I never heard any of them tear down people on a daily basis. One more thing, Hannity’s worship of Bush is no different than Monica’s worship of Bill Clinton, she just performed her worship on her knees. Maybe Hannity’s into “salad tossing?”
And then there’s O’Reilly, the fake “John Wayne.” Mr. Tough Guy also failed to put on a uniform and now he’s threatening folks and trying to call folks out. Are folks supposed to be scared? Like most white folks that support the war, he talks a good game from the sidelines. By the way where are all those young republicans that support the war?” Since white conservatives are the true Americans, why haven’t those eligible for military service, enlist? Why hasn’t Fox asked young white conservatives to serve their country. Where are the children of Fox employees? How many are in Iraq? Not many I suspect because they like Hannity and O’Reilly are too busy being fake patriots, phony Christians, and cowards here in the states. See back in the day, me and three of my childhood friends, all young black men from the streets of D.C., joined the military during Reagan’s Presidency which means that while Hannity, O’reilly, Kristol, Hume, Wallace, and the rest of you were hunkering down in your basements playing “Army” my friends and I were the true patriots who gladly put their lives at risk to keep America free and safe. And that’s the disgrace of it all, those with the most mouth and pseudo-courage have spent years pretending to be men and patriots, but they are neither, they are just a bunch of weak-ass white boys grifting off of the liberty that my friends and I spent years protecting in uniform! Labels: bvbcjs
:: DM1 10/04/2007 04:31:00 PM [+] ::