:: Friday, October 19, 2007 ::
If Only Negroes Knew Their Place
I don't know how many of you viewed a video taoe that showed a white Florida cop abusing a black 15-year old teenage girl, but what follows is the text of an email that I sent to Fox News:
Comment on the video of young black girl's beat down by cop
So it's all the fault of the 15 year-old black girl that she caught a beat down from the white cop for "resisting" an arrest stemming from a curfew violation. Could it be that she was fearful of being handcuffed by the white cop at night out of concern for her safety? Did the cop consider calling for backup from a female cop to calm the situation? Is it possible that she shares the same fear of white cops that you have for Muslims? Is her fear any less rational than yours? Since many white folks like you share the belief that she was responsible for the cop's brutality are black parents to assume that their children will be subjected to the same type of brutality if they behave irrationally, possibly out of fear, when dealing with white cops alone and at night? Why is it that these types of incidents appear to involve white cops and black citizens 99% of the t time? If the video showed a black cop abusing a young white female teenager would you still have that same opinion? Why are there no videos of black cops brutalizing white folks? If the young girl was your daughter or the daughter of a friend would that changes your perspective? Was punching the young girl in the face necessary? From the audio of the video, the young lady appears to be pleading to the cop during her beat down. Could her pleas have been related to the cop's use of force in forcing her arm behind her back? From the video images, the young lady's arm appears to be forced in a position that could have resulted in her arm being broken. It's obvious that white folks like you are relieved that a tape of the entire incident exists so that you can feel comfortable holding your racist views. Is it possible that these types of incidents, the response by white folks, and the fear that they profess of terrorist attacks, are what embolden the terrorists?
I pose the question because my view of people like you are that you are incapable of being honest or fair-minded and that you lack a rational moral compass which allows you to dismiss the evil that you do, but whine and moan if someone smacks you back. Is this the type of America that the thousands of black troops in Iraq are protecting? Do you believe that these soldiers would share your view or would they be angered by the images and the justifications mad by white folks like you? You and other white folks that think like you have a skewed concept of others’ humanity. I grew up in D.C. surrounded by more violence than a little kid ought to experience, however, short of trying to take my life, I could never brutalized a young white girl in the manner shown in the video because I would be mindful that her actions might be borne of fear, and not anger. My response to a young white girl acting out in such a manner would compel me to call for a female cop to come to the scene a try and calm the young lady. While I’m sure that many white folks like you do not comprehend such a response, I’ve experienced enough violence in my lifetime growing up in DC that I realize the corrosive long-term psychological effects of violent actions on young people. Given the long adversarial relationship between white cops and the black community, incidents like the one in Florida only reinforce the belief that we as a people have more to fear from racist white cops and people like you than we do from Osama.
:: DM1 10/19/2007 08:34:00 AM [+] ::