:: Friday, October 19, 2007 ::
Letter To Obama
While I applaud Obama's effort, he is being ill-served by whoever is advising him on Middle East policy. The biggest failure of U.S. Middle East policy is our inability to fully comprehend, or acknowledge the roots of terrorism directed against America and Israel. Obama's position that Iran can not be allowed to develop nuclaer weapons, while popular on the campaogn trail, is fundamentally flawed. While I have much to say, I will leave you with a portion of an email I wrote to the Glenn Beck program to give you an idea of what I am talking about:
By the way, the next time that you profess the danger and fear that you feel from the Iranian President, take a moment to examine the emotions and anger that he and his people must hold with regard to U.S. support of the Shah and his secret police, our support of Saddam during the Iran/Iraq war, and the U.S. government’s tacit acceptance of Saddam’s use of chemical weapons against Iranian forces. The Iranian President stated that as a result of the war over 200,000 Iranians were killed and more than 600,000 were wounded. Where is our government’s accountability? Why shouldn’t the Iranians seek revenge? Why is Iranian support of Iraq insurgents any more unacceptable than the U.S. and Britain’s covert support of Jundallah, a Sunni insurgent group with ties o Al Qaeda that has been launching terrorist attacks inside Iran for several years? The last statement may surprise you, so go do your homework and check out the validity of the allegation. Why should any Arab/Muslim nation trust us? What about impact to Arab nations of the Redline Agreement, or the Balfour Declaration? How about the numerous agreements and promises made to these nations by the U.S., Britain, and other nations that were not honored? What about the violence, terrorism, and lies perpetrated by Jewish extremists against Palestinians in creating the State of Israel? In 1945, during a meeting with Franklin Roosevelt, the Saudi King, Abd al-Aziz, questioned the President as to why the Arab Nations of the Middle East should bear the responsibility of a Jewish State instead of Europe? While folks like you have the luxury of ignorance, for people like me willful ignorance may be hazardous to our health. Lastly, stop the fear mongering, as you folks continue to frighten a large segment of the American Public with predictions of doom. How are your actions American? Where is the courage and conviction that embodies the American Spirit? If black folks had succumbed to fear that you espouse, the Civil Rights Movement would have never achieved success. Peace
Until Obama develops a more expansive view of the Middle East, his candidacy is tenuous at best.
:: DM1 10/19/2007 08:46:00 AM [+] ::