:: Friday, June 27, 2003 ::
Memo to Tom Daschle:
You are such a wimp and disgrace to the Democratic Party. Bush is giving you the "Deliverence" treatment and all you are doing is squealing like a pig. Where is Burt Reynolds when you need him? You have shown zero courage and have abdicated your authority to the only true warrior in the Democratic Senate: Robert "Don't call me a Klansman" Bird. Being a black man, I have to give Ol' Robert "The Hood" his props. He has the kind of guts not seen since the days of the Big Dog! Oh, sorry, Bill Clinton. (Memo to Sheep don't get excited. The memo about Clinton being rightfuly impeached was a canard. I think being impeached for lying about sex under oath is as ridiculous as not being impeached for lying about a war and getting hundreds of Americans killed and wounded!) Anyway back to Thomas " the Meek". You are a veteran, Bush smeared Max Cleland, Tom Delay is running amok. When are you going to start fighting back? The battle has already been joined and you are pulling a "Bush in the National Guard during the Vietnam War" stunt. Instead of leaving "them" on a hook at the door, take your "pair" and strap them on! Be a man or at least an angry woman. It's really too bad. You had potential!
:: DM1 6/27/2003 09:11:00 AM [+] ::
Memo to Senate Majority Leader Bill "Cat Killer" Frist:
Go Home! You are such an idiot that I fear you will infect the rest of the Senate. Oops! Too late! It's one thing to carry water, but you seem to be carrying Bush's bed pan. Get this straight, you should be working for your constituents, not the "Dauphin". You're a heart surgeon? Well why not grab one while you can and self-insert! The Dauphin is taking this country down the road to ruin and all you can do is cheerlead. I had no faith in your abilities before you were appointed and you have not let me down. It's knuckleheads like you that make it tough for Republicans like me. Just go already. Haven't you and your gang done enough?
:: DM1 6/27/2003 09:00:00 AM [+] ::
Memo on the death of Strom Thurmond:
He was a statesman, a soldier, and father, and a segregationist. I guess that sums it up. Bull, you say? There's more? Oh, you mean his candidacy for president as a Dixiecrat. Well what were Dixiecrats? Black-hating white folks? Of, come now what do you mean? Strom Thurmond was the first senator to hire a black staffer. See, that proves that Ol' Strom was alright! Thurmond voted for the Martin Luther King Holiday? Wow, what a uniter! What's that you say? Strom voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. That can't be! You said that Strom was a statesman, a soldier, and father, and a segregationist.
Right, and he was also a racist! See the word racist isn't used much any more. The racists got mad when they were called "racist" and decided to go on the offensive. You know "race hustlers", "the race card", Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, and on and on. Now blacks are believed by whites to be the more racist. And they are right! Blacks are truly very racist against ..... The suspense is killing you isn't it? Black folks are truly racist against WHITE RACISTS!
Yes that's right, black folk hate white racists with a black racist passion. Maybe it was the Slavery thing, or Jim Crow, or Emmitt Till, or the death o Medgar Evers, or the failure to support black folk's equal rights. Hell, maybe it was the lynchings, Oklahoma City, Rosewood, or the killing of black soldiers in their uniforms. This is the legacy of the "Segregationist". So excuse me if I don't join the chorus of those who are now talking about what a great human being Ol' Strom was. By the way when asked whether he would change any of his past actions, Ol' Strom replied that he did what he had to do and had no regrets. What an American! Gotta go now. By the way, has anyone seen my copy of H. Rap Brown's autobiography? I'm feeling sort of "Militant!"
:: DM1 6/27/2003 08:20:00 AM [+] ::
Memo to Sheep:
The following is a partial commentary by Jim Lobe:
WASHINGTON - "We know where they are," Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld assured television interviewers about the location of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) March 30, two weeks into the war in Iraq. "They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad."
"I really do believe we will be greeted as liberators," Vice President Dick Cheney declared on television just as US troops massed along the border between Kuwait and Iraq on the eve of the war.
"Wildly off the mark," declared Rumsfeld's deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, when asked by senators just before the war whether then army chief of staff Eric Shinseki's estimate that more than 200,000 troops would be needed as an occupation force after hostilities was reasonable.
"I believe it is definitely more likely than not that some degree of common knowledge between [al-Qaeda and Iraq] was involved [in the September 11, 2001, attacks]", former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) chief and member of Rumsfeld's Defense Policy Board James Woolsey testified before a federal court just before the war.
Now, more than two months after US troops established control over the area around Tikrit and Baghdad, not only have no WMD been discovered, but evidence of ties between Iraq and al-Qaeda, let alone Iraqi knowledge or complicity in the September 11 attacks, is simply non-existent. ....end
Well, well, well. Sounds like a lot of misinformation was spewed to the American People before the war with Iraq. Misinformation? How about bald face lies! The U.S. military KIA count in Iraq is 200 and counting. Had enough? I doubt it. Some folks can never admit the truth. Ask Bill Clinton. You remember Bill Clinton, don't you. He could never admit the truth about his relationship with Monica. He was rightly impeached, fined and stripped of his license. That said how can those of you who agreed that his punishment was just and fit the crime, not be apoplectic about the lies of the current administration? To call you frauds is a insult to true frauds like P.T. Barnum. You are more like, frankly, sheep and we all know what happens to sheep. Can you say mutton anyone? Excuse me while I go buy some mint jelly!
:: DM1 6/27/2003 07:57:00 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 22, 2003 ::
Memo to the Blogheads:
I feel spectacular! The country is definitely moving in the right direction. I feel so good that I will now regal you with a couple of odes.
Ode To WMD:
WMD oh where can you be
I've searched day and night to find you
I've searched high and low
but the going is slow
nothing rising but casualties
Ode to Georgie (The Dauphin), Dickie (D-Money), and Johnnie (The Christian Crusader):
Georgie and Dickie sitting in a tree
What's that you say
You don't like our way
Johnnie, book 'im and take him away!
:: DM1 6/22/2003 09:45:00 AM [+] ::
Memo to The Dauphin:
This is an Advertisement for the Bush Re-election Campaign bought to you by the Sheep.
"For sure you are a shoe-in for re-election! You are the man! And soon, the world will be yours. Ha, Ha, Ha! No one will stop you, no one will defeat you. For you are "George the Invincible". Constitution, Smonstitution. Your word is law. Let us loudly proclaim your divinessness and rule the globe!"
This message has been brought to you by the Sheep, who truly dispel the myth that not only can you pull the wool over some folks eyes, but you can get them to produce, manufacture, and supply the wool.
:: DM1 6/22/2003 09:31:00 AM [+] ::
Memo to Richard (Dick) Cheney:
Sometimes a name says it all, doesn't it! Well Dick, I understand that you were strolling over to the CIA while it was compiling intelligence on Iraq and the "WMD". I know that one needs to first kiss your "ring" before they ask a favor. Could you be so kind as to tell the American People what you were doing at the CIA and what if anything you told them. I know, I know, national security. Well you know, Dick, the intelligence appears either faulty, or just plain wrong. Now you might find some "WMD" because Lord knows that we have been there on our own for three months. Just load up a few tractor-trailers and yell "Ah, Ha!" What a pity that you have to be constrained by the Constitution. But wait, this too shall pass. Everybody is marveling at the Hulk, but Dick, it's you who are truly Incredible!
:: DM1 6/22/2003 09:19:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 21, 2003 ::
Memo to Sheep:
These are the words of leading conservative republicans in the matter of presidential lies and misleading statements:
Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Illinois),
“There is a visibility factor in the president's public acts, and those which betray a trust or reveal contempt for the law are hard to sweep under the rug...They reverberate, they ricochet all over the land and provide the worst possible example for our young people.”
Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin)
“The truth is still the truth, and a lie is still a lie, and the rule of law should apply to everyone, no matter what excuses are made by the president's defenders…We have done so because of our devotion to the rule of law and our fear that if the president does not suffer the legal and constitutional consequences of his actions, the impact of allowing the president to stand above the law will be felt for generations to come…laws not enforced are open invitations for more serious and more criminal behavior.”
Steve Chabot (R-Ohio)
“It would be wrong for you to tell America's children that some lies are all right. It would be wrong to show the rest of the world that some of our laws don't really matter.”
Steve Buyer (R- Indiana)
“I have also heard some senators from both sides of the aisle state publicly: I think these offenses rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. Now, to state publicly that you believe that high crimes and misdemeanors have occurred but for some reason you have this desire not to remove the president -- that desire, though, does not square with the law, the Constitution, and the Senate's precedents for removing federal judges for similar offenses.”
Rep. Lindsey Graham (R - South Carolina, Now Senator)
“The president of the United States sets atop of the legal pyramid. If there's reasonable doubt about his ability to faithfully execute the laws of the land, our future would be better off if that individual is removed. And let me tell you where it all comes down to me. If you can go back and explain to your children and your constituents how you can be truthful and misleading at the same time, good luck.”
Of course, the president that they were speaking of was Bill Clinton. The president that their words apply to is George Bush. Lying about sex: Number of casualties - 0. Lying about war: 190+ killed, hundreds wounded and counting. Who are you going to believe Bush, or your own lying eyes?
:: DM1 6/21/2003 01:41:00 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 14, 2003 ::
Memo to Sheep:
This is an except of a news report today From Jonathan Landay of Knight-Ridder:
"A senior CIA official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the intelligence agency informed the White House on March 9, 2002 -- 10 months before Bush's nationally televised speech -- that an agency source who had traveled to Niger could not confirm European intelligence reports that Iraq was attempting to buy uranium from the West African country.
Despite the CIA's misgivings, Bush said in his State of the Union address: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium in Africa."
Three senior administration officials said Vice President Dick Cheney and some officials on the National Security Council staff and at the Pentagon ignored the CIA's reservations and argued that the president and others should include the allegation in their case against Saddam." end
Alright Sports Fans, can you say "smoking gun!". The lies are getting heavier and heavier still. They are lying to your face and getting your young warriors killed. When is enough, enough? They are spending you into debt that your grand children can't repay. The fate of the country is your responsibility. Some of us are sounding the alarm, and yet, you do not hear. Still the chickens are coming home to roost and roost they shall with or without you!
:: DM1 6/14/2003 10:43:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 12, 2003 ::
Memo to David Limbaugh:
Undermining national security? The democrats? Answer one question: How and why did the accusation of Iraq obtaining uranium from Niger get into Bush's State of the Union Address? The information was false and the documents were forged. Either our intelligence is very poor and useless, or the information was given to Bush for a reason. Chew on that for a while. If investigating Bill Clinton for lying to the American People was good enough for him then it's good enough for Bush. Under oath or not under oath, a President should not lie to the American People and if he does it should be investigated. Either be consistent, or admit that you are a shill and a fraud!
:: DM1 6/12/2003 09:30:00 PM [+] ::
Memo to Sean "The Weasel" Hannity and Rush "Fats" Limbaugh:
The water is getting heavier and heavier to carry by the day isn't it. Since you can't defend Bush honestlt, you have resorted to rehashing the tales of Bill Clinton. What losers! Sean, I heard you on the radio one day and a caller asked you why you hadn't served in the military. Now you and I are the same age 41 and I served in the Army from 1981 to 1985. I volunteered, was honorably discharged and was an expert with the M-16 and grenade. Your response to the caller was that you were not called to serve. The caller challenged you saying that all you had to do was to walk into the nearest recruiting station and raise your right hand. You sputtered and stammered. You were caught in a lie. You knew that that "not called to serve" garbage was a lie. Now you are a super patriot! Can you say "Fraud".
Fats, you are next. What did you do during Vietnam? Why didn't you serve? Boil on the butt? Of course a super patriot like you would have volunteered, if only you didn't have that silly boil. Remember Senator Max Cleland from Georgia? You and "The Weasel" helped to get him defeated by another not military serving super patriot. Understand what is happening now was destined to happen. The true cowards of Vietnam are sowing what they have reaped. No true warrior prays and clamors for war. Should Saddam have been forcibily removed? There were many good arguments for that eventuality, but instead of working with the U.N. and our allies, the two of you helped Bush erase all of the world's goodwill that was gained after 9/11. Enjoy your victory, though hollow and short-lived it will be!
:: DM1 6/12/2003 07:32:00 PM [+] ::
Memo to Pat Roberts:
What a poor excuse for a senator. What are you hiding? Bush told a lie to the American People when he declared in his State of the Union Address that Iraq had received uranium from Niger. If being investigated for lying to the American People is good enough for Bill Clinton, then it's good enough for Bush. Bush didn't lie under oath? That's your defense? Basically what you are saying is that it is perfectly alright to lie to the American People as long as you don't do it under oath. How about this if Bush is such an honest man, put him under oath and have him declare that all of his statements about Iraq and WMD were true. I doubt that he would take the offer. Pat Roberts you should immediately resign as you don't possess loyalty to the people you serve. Your loyalty is with Bush and you more interested in protecting him then the American People. What an utter disgrace!
:: DM1 6/12/2003 07:16:00 PM [+] ::
Memo to Henry Waxman:
Way to go Hank! Take on the Bush Administration and demand accountability. Too bad that you are surrounded by a bunch of gutless wonders. Congress owes their loyalty to the brave soldiers that are fighting and dying based on dubious evidence. George Bush like Bill Clinton must be held accountable for his actions. Too bad that the controversy isn't about sex, then maybe we would have full and open hearings! Keep fighting Hank! The silent majority may only have you and Robert "The West Virginia Marauder" Byrd fighting for us, but I'll put my money on you two any day! By the way, Tom Dashcle you are a disgrace. You should immediately give up your leadership post and let someone who is willing to fight the lies and distortions take over.
:: DM1 6/12/2003 07:08:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 05, 2003 ::
Memo to the Sheep:
Let me get this straight Bill Clinton lies about oral sex and is impeached. The Dauphin lies about wars, the economy, and who knows what else and he is exalted. What is wrong with the picture? Clinton lied under oath? Well he was roundly condemned and suffered legal and political consequences. And while Clinton has the morals of a cat he was a tireless worker for the country and its citizens. I didn't vote for Clinton in '92 or '96, but a review of his entire record suggests that the continued criticism by mainly the Right is dubious at best. If those on the Right are truly sincere in their beliefs, they will hold the current occupant of the White House to the same high standards of honesty, integrity, and trust. Accountability was the catch word for Clinton; however, nothing it seems is Bush's fault. Now it really doesn't matter in the scheme of things whether the Right ever holds Bush accountable, but by not living up to the standards previously established, they bear partial responsibility for the fate of the nation and its people. History will be the judge and history as we all know can be a cruel and brutal mistress. How many soldiers' deaths in Iraq are acceptable? They will continue to die and for what? Two empty trailers? I sure hope that more is found not only for the credibility of the war, but the credibility of the nation.
:: DM1 6/05/2003 07:58:00 PM [+] ::