:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

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:: Friday, October 31, 2003 ::

Modern White Racism

It's no longer fashionable to wear white sheets in public, but that doesn't stop the true believers like Haley Barbour the republican candidate for Governor of Mississippi.

:: DM1 10/31/2003 07:53:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 ::
Another Blast From The Past

[10/16/2002 7:35:59 PM | Jamie Starr]
Ten Questions for the Chichkenhawks:

If Saddam is such an immediate threat answer the following questions:

1. Why did Bush take a 30-day vacation in August?
2. Why is not the threat assessment at RED, the highest alert?
3. Why now a month before the mid-term elections and not earlier in the year?
4. How many casualities are acceptable?
5. What are the costs?
6. What is the time frame?
7. How long the occupation?
8. What if Iraq attacks Israel and Israel strikes back with nuclear weapons?
9. What happens if Syria helps Iraq?
10. What happens if the democrats take Congress?

:: DM1 10/28/2003 10:43:00 PM [+] ::
A Blast From The Past

[10/16/2002 7:34:32 PM | Jamie Starr]
Memo to Dick Gephardt:

Dear Congressman Gephardt,

I am very disappointed in your actions the other day in giving the appointed president another photo-op. I am a republican and I am amazed that you still don't get it. The current administration cares nothing about you or your position. It only cares that you have "cut" Senator Daschle off at the knees and will now use you to further republican goals. I do not like the direction that this country is taking. I, too, served my country in the Army for four years and as veterans both you and I have a duty to protect this country from foreign enemies and domestic incompetence. You have failed many in your party and many others who are looking for men of courage to stand up against an administration that is bent on war at any cost. I understand that you have visions of running for president in 2004. Well, to win you need to show true leadership. The only thing I saw the other day was a man who stepped on his principles and betrayed many in his party. I see that it is up to those of us who truly understand what Bush and Cheney to carry the burden to ensure that their misguided politics do not continue past 2004. You have made that effort more difficult with your recent actions. I voted for Al Gore in 2000 and I will vote for him in 2004. He is showing courage, vision, and leadership and I only hope that some of his qualities begin to rub off on you.

:: DM1 10/28/2003 10:42:00 PM [+] ::
The Plight of George W. Bush

I've noticed recently that George Bush's mother has been out trashing those that criticize her son. I think that Mother Bush needs to step back and take a deep breath. What people are criticizing is his disasterous performance as president. Some people do indeed hate George Bush, but he had a 90% approval rating after 9/11, the media never uttered a discouraging word, and the democrats, at least most of them took a dive. All Bush had to do was build on the good will that came his way after the attacks. What did he do? Besides attacking the Taliban, which most of the American People and the rest of the world supported, including the French, Bush began to believe that he had a blank check to do as he pleases. The Congress and the conservative right have enabled him. Then what did he do, I think that you need to performance

:: DM1 10/28/2003 05:47:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, October 27, 2003 ::
Blast from the past:

Memo to Sheep:

United States Military Casualities in Iraq as of March 20, 2003:

Killed: 353
Wounded: 2014

Total casualities 2,367

Had enough, yet? The person that you voted for as president is still telling you that you need to hear more of the "good news". Is there any news he can give you that will make the 2,367 casualities and counting anymore acceptable? Your president is telling you that the Iraqis are happy that we are there. We have over 2,300 casualities at a time when your president says we are being welcomed. I hope for you sake that they don't begin to hate us!

:: DM1 10/27/2003 08:21:00 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, October 18, 2003 ::
Where Did The Time Go

Where did the time go? Bob Hope died a few months ago at the age of 100. Where did the time go. I remember watch Bob Hope's USO tours during the Vietnam War when I was a kid. I grew up watching The real movie gangsters: Edward G. Robison, Humphrey Bogart, and my main man, James Cagney. They were all born in the 1890s! Leave It to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, Dennis The Manace. All of the children in these shows are now over 50 or pushing 50. The Beatles split up 33 years ago! What? How did that happen? I used to watch the Jimmy Durante Show, Red Skelton, and Dean Martin. They are all gone. The Rat Pack is no more and the only surviving member, Joey Bishop, is at least 80, I think. as you can see most of my memories relate to television. Most kids raised in the 60s and 70s will tell you that television was what we did. School, sports, and television, that was how we lived. I remember the 30th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1971, the Kent State Shootings, the Patty Hearst kidnapping and the Lyons Sisters. The Lyons Sisters? They were two little girls, 12 and 10, who disappeared in 1975 on their way to Wheaton Plaza in Wheaton Maryland. They have never been seen or heard from again. Twenty-eight years have past since that day. How does time slip by so rapidly? One minute you are six years old in first grade and the next minute you are past 40 and wondering where the time went. There's no point to this post. I just wonder where all the time went.

:: DM1 10/18/2003 06:16:00 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, October 17, 2003 ::
Getting to the Bottom of 9/11

Here's a piece of an article by Eric Boehlert in today's Salon:

Is the 9/11 commission getting tough?
Subpoena against FAA suggests signs of life -- and victims' families are suddenly hopeful.
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Oct. 16, 2003 | The national 9/11 commission's decision Wednesday to issue subpoenas against the Federal Aviation Administration, after it failed to hand over key investigative documents, may signal a new get-tough phase for the inquiry, as the commission tries to unravel the failures that made possible the Sept. 11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000.

Makes you wonder why the Bush Administration is dragging it's feet in turning over documents. Be it the FAA or other government agencies, the Administration obviously has put out the word to slow walk information. The Commission's deadline is May 2004. What a sad and pathetic little people the Bushies are. Bush's minions have always put the blame for 9/11 on Bill Clinton, but it's not Clinton that is holding up the investigation. Too bad that the Commission is not investigating Clinton's genitals because then the Bushies would have plenty of documentation complete with pictures.

Wake up sheep, they are coming to get you!

:: DM1 10/17/2003 06:12:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, October 16, 2003 ::
Thank God for Republicans Looking Out For The Troops

From Maureen Dowd's latest column:

On Monday, Representative George Nethercutt Jr., a Republican from Washington State who visited Iraq, chimed in to help the White House: "The story of what we've done in the postwar period is remarkable. It is a better and more important story than losing a couple of soldiers every day." The congressman puts the casual back in casualty.

:: DM1 10/16/2003 11:19:00 PM [+] ::
Give Bush his $87 Billion

Give Bush his $87 billion.

From a column by Monica Perin:

Secrecy shrouds Halliburton hiring frenzy at Houston hotel

Houston Business Journal
A pair of Houston pest control contractors are among hundreds of American and foreign workers being recruited by a division of Houston-based Halliburton to work on the rebuilding of Iraq.

The recruitment operation is headquartered at the Wyndham Greenspoint Hotel and the Holiday Inn Intercontinental on John F. Kennedy Boulevard.

KBR, formerly Kellogg Brown & Root, is recruiting a wide array of workers from all over the world and bringing them to Houston for orientation, background checks, training and deployment.

They are being sent primarily to Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.

KBR's Web site last week listed 60 job openings in Iraq, 90 in Kuwait and 50 in Afghanistan.

But the recruitment operation is being kept under tight wraps, apparently due to continuing political controversy over Halliburton's role in the lucrative post-war work.

:: DM1 10/16/2003 10:38:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, October 13, 2003 ::
Damn Liberal Media

The Liberal Media is at it again only reporting the bad news and not the "good news". I am reading the headline on page one of one of these liberal rags. The headline says "Baghad bomber kills six". Nowhere in the article does it report the "good news". Uh, oh. Hold on this is from today's Washington Times, a stauchly conservative paper. I guess they haven't received the Bush talking points yet. Never mind.

:: DM1 10/13/2003 05:15:00 PM [+] ::
My President He Wrote Me a Letter

There's a rumor going around that a copy of a letter being sent home by some soldiers is a duplicate that extols the "good news" in Iraq. Now the letter supposedly highlights many of the talking points used by the Bush Administration. Now a cynical person might think that this letter was drafted by someone other than these soldiers and it makes one wonder if things are going so well, why is there a need for someone to draft a "good news" letter for soldiers to sign and send home?

:: DM1 10/13/2003 05:11:00 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, October 12, 2003 ::
Blast from the Past October 2003

Memo to Sheep:

Why is Bush and his boys trying to tell us how great Iraq is? They just don't get it that while American soldiers are being killed, maimed (see the wounded at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.), and wounded, most Americans don't want to hear about Iraqis getting jobs, building schools, and upgrading their electrical grid. Saddam is gone and there are no weapons of mass destruction. Weren't those the two primary objectives of the war.

Well, until Bush and his useful idiots realized that the intelligence on Iraq was not promising. So they started stretching intelligence and came up with the goal of bringing democracy to Iraq. Talk about "mission creep". Enough already, understand that the Iraqis who are fighting us, will continue to fight us as long as we are in Iraq. They were born and raised in Iraq, they are going nowhere. They have all the time in the world to continue to kill, maim, and wound American soldiers.

So please spare me the "good news about Iraq". Tell me the good news when they stop killing our young soldiers!

:: DM1 10/12/2003 01:48:00 AM [+] ::
Memo to the Dittoheads:

So, the "Great One" is a junkie. Hey, don't get mad at me. Ken Hamlin, known as the conservative "Black Avenger", called Rush a junkie. What do you do now? Think for yourselves? Why not try it. Rush led you down a path that you bought hook, line, and sinker. I hear a lot of you now talking about having compassion for Rush and his illness. For a young black man with the same problem, you label him a menace to society, a criminal, and a degenerate. So, are you going to be consistent, or are you going to prove what black folks have known all along? That when it comes to black folk many white folks always think that get they deserve everything they get. They're poor, jobless, uneducated, "loose", welfare dependent, and any other negative thing that you can think of. Rush on the other hand lives in a $24 million mansion and is heard daily by millions of listeners. He is adored and worshiped by the conservative movement.

So what's Rush's excuse? Back pain? Why didn't he go to his doctor if it was his back? Between Rush and the poor, black so and so with no hope and no future, who is really in pain. Who really deserves compassion and understanding? You're right, Rush! And that's why there will not be any real rapproachment between the races. You really believe that Rush is different and should be treated differently.

Rush with all his money and fame is no better than that poor, black wretch that you all disparage daily. Let's see if he is subject to the same laws as those poor, black wretches. I doubt it. I hope that the "rule of law" will prevail, especially since if true, Rush was guilty of multiple felonies over an extended period of time. Now is the time for you sheep to reevaluate your slavish behavior to these phony right wing talk show hosts. Listen, everybody is dirty in his or her own way. Acting as if you are morally superior to the rest of us is getting to be tiresome. It's time for you to practice not what Rush preaches, but what Jesus preaches. You like to refer to yourselves as Christians. Well now you can start acting like "true" Christians. You can minister to Rush and pray for him, but when you are finished go and help that miserable, poor, black wretch.

:: DM1 10/12/2003 01:31:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, October 04, 2003 ::
Memo to Sheep:

Ah, but are the chickens coming home. Eight years of moralizing to the rest of us and you all have glass houses with many broken windows. Limbaugh, Arnold, Senior White Aides, all are into some kind of tawdry behavior. And still you support them. Bill Clinton was crucified daily. He was accused of murder, rape, drug running, embezzlement, and various other felonies. The only charge that could be proved was that Clinton lied under oath about oral sex and he was impeached. When judging Limbaugh, Arnold, and the White House you owe it to the rest of us to use the same standards of judgement that you used for Bill Clinton. If you can't bring yourselves to do so then do the rest of us a favor; "Shut up!" You are no better than anyone else and as you can see everybody falls short. One thing for sure is that Bill Clinton's Presidency does not look as bad as it once did. That folks could focus only on his crotch is evidence that he must have been doing something right. Whether it was the economy or the world, Clinton tried to lift all boats. He wasn't perfect, but as we see now neither were those who attacked him so viciously on a daily basis.

:: DM1 10/04/2003 01:59:00 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, October 03, 2003 ::

:: DM1 10/03/2003 10:06:00 PM [+] ::
Memo to Karen Hunter of The New York Daily News:

(Ms. Hunter wrote a column on the Rush Limbaugh/ESPN Controversy)

Basically, Ms. Hunter hits it on the head. Limbaugh should not have resigned and should have had a chance to follow up on his statements on ESPN. That, his fellow commentator on ESPN's Countdown, Tom Jackson allegedly threatened to quite if Limbaugh was not fired says much more. Usually when white conservatives or white folks in general speak about the black community, it' is in the negative (affirmative action, out of wedlock births, crime, education, etc.). Black sports fans look to sports as a release from the everyday madness. Tom Jackson is no different. That's why his show is a sports show. That doesn't mean that hard issues are not discussed (the hiring of black coaches, bad behavior by black athletes, etc.). However, it was probably not lost on Tom Jackson that Limbaugh is a radio talk show host that usually discusses black America in negative terms. If Jackson takes on Limbaugh, the confrontation could lead to a lot of racial animosity at ESPN and in the country at large. If Jackson doesn't take on Limbaugh, he's a "sell out" and an "Uncle Tom". In other words for Jackson, it's a no win situation. At some point, black folk just want some relief from the everyday reality of growing up black in America. Hence, sports and the shows that lead off the games on Sunday are used by many black sports fans as an oasis against the storm.

Also, following up on one of Ms. Hunter's other points, whatever happened to the millions of white folks who did everything they could to suppress the freedoms of blacks up through the passage of the Civil Rights Laws of the mid-1960's. Did they renounce their beliefs or did they choose other methods of maintaining and perpetuating their long held views? Maybe some of them chose to be talk show hosts.

:: DM1 10/03/2003 10:01:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, October 02, 2003 ::
Memo to Fred Barnes:

My response to comments made in support of Rush Limbaugh by Barnes on Special Report on Fox News 10/2/03:

Once again you have it wrong and your comments are wholly ridiculous. There are millions of people in jail right now, especially young black males for buying illegal drugs and using illegal drugs. You call Rush Limbaugh's alleged offenses (he engaged in illegal drug activities on numerous occasions) "minor, minor" offenses. Either you believe that Rush Limbaugh should not be held to the same standard that a young black man is held to. Why is that? Why should not a rich, white, successful, republican, conservative be held to the same standard? Do you have one standard for young black men and another for rich, white, republican, conservative men? From your comments, it is obvious that you do. And that my friend is "RACIST"!

:: DM1 10/02/2003 07:11:00 PM [+] ::

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